Friday, May 15, 2009

The end of a road trip - some hard news

I finally arrived home last night - as I pulled into the driveway it was with such happiness - I was so grateful for a great sales trip, grateful to be home, anxious to see my husband.

My daughter's car was out front and hubby was gone for his massage appointment.

I walked in to the house and my daughter says "Hi mom, glad you are home safe and sound...I have good news and bad news - what do you want first..."

"Bad news" I said...

"Mark's MS has flared up and he didn't want to tell you while you were away"

I swallowed hard - "OK, and the good news?"

"He caught on early to the warning signs, is already getting steroid treatment which is starting to work, has appointments for an MRI and with a neurologist"

Oh boy - that was a wake up call and a half.

I love my husband with all of my heart and here I have been working until I drop every day and not giving him as much time and love as he deserves - it is truly time for me to re-evaluate what I am doing and finding the help I need to get some balance in my life...

It's been 7 years since his last flare up and we were thinking that the doctors were wrong about it being MS as there has never been a definitive diagnosis - they said they couldn't give one until he had another flare up..well, we have it now.

I am in need of an admin assistant, a financial partner and some sales staff that really want to produce results. I need to find some balance between paying the bills from the bike show fiasco, the newspaper and web site and spending time with my husband. I can't do this by myself anymore. My husband needs to be a priority.

I am putting this out there with the hope that someone out there might be someone interested in partnering with me...

I am looking for all of the positives in this situation - I know they are there, it's been a bit hard to absorb everything...

My riding season will need to be revised until we know how things are going to go for hubby, he has to be my priority now - and in retrospect, he should have been more of a priority all along. He is my rock - my most staunch supporter and the best thing that has ever happened to me.

This is a wake up call for me - you never know in life what will happen and you really need to love your spouse - take time with them, be with them because you never know when things will go south.

HELP - please - if you know anyone who might be interested in any avenue to work with me and continue growing what we have here - send them my way - I really need a team...

Ride like everyone around you is blind...stay safe.
Belt Drive Betty

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On the way home

I have a big day ahead as I continue on my trek home.

Stops in Kamloops, Jasper...

The weather sucks!

Cold, raining and in GP snow -the middle of May and snow - what is Mother Nature trying to do to us???

Oh well.

I hope everyone has a great day and I will chat with you tomorrow.

Ride like everyone around you is blind.

Belt Drive Betty

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother nature must love riders!

At least here in the Okanagan and in Grande Prairie!

After 20 degree temperatures here in the Okanagan for Friday, Saturday and Sunday - it is pouring rain here today! The same thing happened last week in Grande Prairie.

Both events had near perfect conditions and come Monday the weather took a dive.

I hope and pray for all the upcoming summer events and their coordinators that proves to be the case!

This has been the spring that doesn't want to arrive but finally it appears to be here!

I have a concern I would like to raise - that of drinking and riding.

One young man I met on Sunday had road rash all over his face and arms and a severely broken hand - he doesn't remember leaving the bar or the crash he only remembers the police and the hospital. His bike is toast and now so is his drivers license...
He was not alone as I know of at least one other rider who got stopped and charged with impaired.

People, I know that booze makes one feel invincible - like you are ten feet tall and bullet proof but you aren't. In the case of both riders the only ones affected were the riders but the story could have been much different!

When you go to an event PLEASE, make alternate arrangements for getting home or to your hotel - don't drink and ride - it's so costly on so many levels, your job, your life, your family and the impact on them...

One other side note - There were hundreds and hundreds of bikes at this event and only a small handful of cowboys who don't use their heads - the right hand was used rather heavily by a few who don't realize the impact that their disrespect with that right hand has. Every time I hear some one rap their pipes hard all I could think was - another nail in the coffin for our community - come on guys - please, please, please - think about someone besides yourself - you hurt all of us with that kind of behavior.

If you are riding today I pray that you will ride with respect and like everyone around you is blind! PLEASE stay safe!

Belt Drive Betty

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I hope all of the mom's I know have a wonderful day.

I am looking forward to our last day at Slack's - I have reconnected with so many people!

The weather has been wonderful, the people and the sights are incredible.

If you get some time today and you are anywhere near Penticton - stop in and say hi.
The games and bike draw are today - I have my ticket!

Anyway - off to get ready for the day!!!

Have a great day today and PLEASE - Ride like everyone around you is blind...

Belt Drive Betty