Saturday, December 05, 2009

The BEST day of the year -period!

I have been a member of Toys for Tots for a long time now. Every year we raise funds and toys to go to those who are not as blessed as some of the rest of us.

For me, my involvement with Toys for Tots is a pay it forward thing.
21 years ago my girl and I were the benefactors of bikers, their generosity and sense of family/brotherhood. I promised Doug McPherson all those years ago that I would pay the kindness forward and I have and will do so for as long as I draw a breath.

Toy runs are wonderful but the BEST day of the year is today, the first Saturday in December as we go out and spend over $20K on toys.

The sweetest phrase a woman can hear  is "You aren't done shopping yet" or "You haven't spent enough yet."

Imagine - with the toys we collected and the toys we will buy today, we will impact over 1,500 hundred kids. A core group of 10 - 15 riders who put the event together and the 4-500 riders who come out and the businesses who support us...

1,500 kids are going to have Christmas. To me this is my CHRISTMAS day.
I am honored, humbled and grateful to be a part of something with such POSITIVE impact.
I remember how grateful I was all those years ago when Nicky and I were in a spot and we were given food, COFFEE and gifts.

It only takes one person stepping up when their community needs them to to make a difference. Like one small pebble thrown into a lake, the ripple effect of the actions of ONE volunteer can be enormous and have such a POSITIVE effect. I hear it said often, but I am only one person, what can I answer, start - do something the resonates well with you, that feels right and just do it!

Volunteering is good for the soul, it's good Karma...

Have a fabulous day and if you are one of thsoe smart people who lives where its warm and you can ride...PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Friday, December 04, 2009

Hells Angels Hit really Hard, Wife sues Husband over MC Accident...

Manitoba was the scene of another round up of members of the Hells Angels. 
34 people were arrested in Project Divide on Wednesday and another three yesterday.

"RCMP Sgt. Line Karpish said the investigation began in November 2008, targeting organized crime and street-crime activities that threatened public safety.
"We're dealing with guns. We're dealing with drugs. We're dealing with all kinds of criminal activities," she said. "We're not interested in victory. We're interested in impact." (From the Winnipeg Free Press Article)

A BC woman is suing her husband because ICBC won't help with her costs as she was unable to return to work...

Cpl Monty Robinson is a marked man...the outrage over what this man has done has sparked editorials and outraged comments from riders and the general public.

Here is one such editorial:

BCCOM was non too impressed either...They sent in a copy of an article from Katie Mercer at the Province:

The article is accompanied by a plea: The B.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists is extremely disturbed by the relatively minor charge laid against RCMP officer Monty Robinson stemming from Orion Hutchinson's death. The Coalition strongly feels that either the more serious charges ought to be pursued by Crown or there should be complete and transparent disclosure indicating the exact reasons why such charges are not appropriate.

Yesterday's press release on the matter was woefully inadequate and the motorcycling community can’t help but feel the outcome would be different had the situation been “Motorcyclist kills RCMP officer, drunk driving suspected”. The RCMP and the Legal system depend, in a large part, on the trust and faith placed in them by the public. The Coalition is eagerly awaiting a timely response from both the RCMP and the Crown.

Adele Tompkins, executive director
B.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists
Email: adele@bccom-bc.comnb
(604) 580-0111

PEACEFUL Rally organized by a fellow motorcyclist.
Surrey Provincial Court
14340 57th Avenue
Surrey, BC
V3X 1B2

December 8,2009
12 Noon
Main Lobby

Wear your Motorcycle jacket

--> -->This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it -->

And while there is a ton more news that has been added to the site today, I want to draw your attention to the article on Henry Hurt, the man who authored the HURT Report (The “Motorcycle Accident Cause Factors and Identification of Countermeasures, Volume 1: Technical Report”, better known as the “Hurt Report”, was published in 1981 following a review of over 900 accidents and 3,600 police reports.) Has passed away at 81.

I would like to thank a couple more people for their donations to our site: 
Peter from Calgary, Karin from Seeley's Bay ON - you have no idea how much difference your donations make - I thank you deeply!I hope you enjoy our joke book...

Well, I am already behind schedule and it's only 4:30 in the morning! Sheese!

If you are fortunate enough to live where you can ride your motorcycle, PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP - A.I.M.Can

Thursday, December 03, 2009

It's a beautiful life...if it doesn't kill you.

It is true that life is what we make it.
It is also true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

We have the choice very day to be happy, to be grumpy...many times we act like it is everyone else's fault when we are sour on life or having a bad day.
But the honest truth is, it's OUR CHOICE.

We choose to be victims, we choose to get trampled on, we choose the out come based on our actions and mind set. We choose to succeed, triumph over adversity and be cheerful and exhibit daily the attributes that make one successful, triumphant or cheerful.
Bottom line is we choose. Every motivational speaker I listen to or read tells me the same thing...every life coach - their messages are all fundamentally the same.

On so many levels I get that- that we choose our outcomes and our destinies...
Sometimes however, I find it hard to remember that.

It is so draining dealing with people who are embarrassed, humiliated, saddened, scared, frustrated, name the negative emotion and that's what's swirling all around business owners and managers right now.

Every day, I try to look inward, to find my centre and my own light, my strength.
I think of the things that make me feel peaceful and hopeful, joyous and happy and then I tackle my day.

Lately I have to go to the well of my spirituality to find peace/comfort/strength three and four times a day. I have to talk to myself constantly to remind myself that this too shall pass.

I know a lot of people will think I am a wee bit off my rocker, but folks, I want your insight, your help, your guidance and ideas...why?

1: I value the opinions and ideas of my friends and my enemies - they help me grow and look for alternate solutions to the issues/challenges I am facing. I find inspiration in the darnedest of places.

2: I work by myself 95% of the time and the only interaction I have with people on a day to day basis is on the phone or by email. I get really lonely and really tunnel visioned.
I don't want to wear blinders all day - I want to spread my wings, expand my mind, grow my soul...that's hard to do by yourself.

The last time we went through this type of an economic melt down in the motorcycle industry was in July of 07. I could get out and ride my motorcycle. The magic that machine works on my brain  was available to me.

Here I am right now, staring at my motorcycle wishing,'s -20 and I won't be riding for a while.

I would welcome any guidance, help, suggestions, ideas on how to continue to stay positive and upbeat even when it feels like the world wants to drag your arse down...

What inspires you? What books, movies, poetry - how do you stay on top of it?
How do you keep it Together? Talk to me, tell me, share with me - PLEASE.

If you are lucky enough to be riding today, please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and PLEASE - say an uplifting prayer for all of the little business people - share it with the wind and the universe and ask for prosperity and

Belt Drive Betty
National VP - A.I.M.Can

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

And the RCMP's motto is not we get our man it's CYA - I AM SICKENED

 CYA - do you know what those three tiny and seemingly innocuous letters mean?
Cover YOUR ASS and man did RCMP Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson do a great job of it.

This man who killed a rider, fled the scene to "protect" his children, reportedly had 2 shots of Vodka at home...this "man" and I sue that term loosely is IMHO a lying, dirt bag piece of garbage who should be FORCED to give up his badge. Read the news feeds on my site, any site or turn on the boob's sickening.

He is getting off with OBSTRUCTION CHARGES. I will NEVER, ever trust an RCMP officer again after this stunt and folks, I mean that with all sincerity. I have ZERO faith in them.
In fact - our whole judicial system stinks just like the Montreal Construction scene does.

In other news...
Lethbridge is going to become a wee bit quieter - Temple Hill race track had garnered complaints for early morning noise promting the county of Warner to draft a noise bylaw...well the Lethbridge Motorcycle Club proposed some new changes to their track times and now the whole noise bylaw will have to be revised. It appears the area residents will have until February to add their thoughts to the new bylaw.

The BMW Motorcycle collection hailed as the largest collection of it's kind was sold at auction recently shattering the predictions of what the vehicles would bring.
Willy Neutken had 94 motorcycles and the Guinness World Book of Records had authenticated the BMW dealers collection as the largest of it's kind.

Only 50 subscribers left to go and so far, EVERYONE is renewing on line! Then I have a dozen advertisers to call and year end books to finish. The new event calendars - well I am plugging away at getting information into them. My goal is that by the time the January Bike Shows hit, we will be in great shape information wise.

I have booths at all three Alberta Shows and Grande Prairie Regional Tourism is taking our stuff to Vancouver for us since both Red Deer and Vancouver are the same weekend.

Yes re-inventing one's business and self is not a bad thing!

If you are fortunate enough to be riding today - ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M. Can

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Our 600th Post! And a Special Birthday Wish

Today marks my 600th Blog Post! Man I can't believe I been doing this this long!

I want to send out a very special Birthday wish to Ali or most wonderful web mistress!

Hope it's everything you deserve it to be girl! You are the best!

There's not a lot in the news today and since I have a ton of meetings today, you get off having to read a tedious diatribe!

Have a great one and if you are lucky enough to be riding today, PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP - A.I.M.Can

Monday, November 30, 2009

"We're a lifestyle choice. Nobody needs a Harley-Davidson. They want a Harley-Davidson."

The headline today is a quote from Anoop Prakash, Managing Director of Harley-Davidson's Indian taken from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article dated November 28th/09

"They have the economic trajectory, the right infrastructure development happening and the right consumer demand for global brands and global experiences," said Anoop Prakash, managing director of Harley-Davidson's Indian subsidiary, of the Indian economy.

I am curious about this move by Harley. 
Very curious - the country they are moving into is filled with people who are very traditional. "Small bikes sell so well because Indian consumers remain practical, said economist Biswajit Nag of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade. The country has a high savings rate, and economic decisions are often subject to family debates, even for independent adults."

How does Harley intend to make money there?

"The luxury market here works like any luxury market anywhere in the world. The rich can afford and will buy," said Devraj Sanyal, a media CEO who splits time between Mumbai and New York. "The poor will only dream."

Sanyal, who estimated his annual salary at nearly $200,000, posed for a picture atop the Sportster. If their wives say yes, he and his best friend both want Harleys. They dream of taking their young daughters on road trips.

That leisure culture is Harley's goal in India, said Sanjay Tripathi, Harley's marketing director and cruising evangelist. He tells stories of his own rides through India's famed deserts of Rajasthan past sand dunes, camels and ancient palaces.

"The sand is hitting your face, the camels, their bells going 'tong, tong, tong,' the sun is going down, it's intoxicating," Tripathi said. "We want to bring that Harley cruising culture to all of India."

As the American Dream gets sold to the Indian Market  - With billions of people world wide, fed up with sound pollution - what are they, Harley-Davidson, going to do about the sound emissions on their machines? 

When you read what Harley is doing, then read what Zero Motorcycles and other electric motorcycle manufacturers are accomplishing...when you read what FIM is doing - all in the effort to reduce NOISE POLLUTION... My question is - is Harley simply moving into markets where it won't have to change or evolve for a long time to come - are they buying time to reinvent or are they sticking their heads in the sand?

Harley has always touted it's unique sound as why so many riders flock to the brand, that and it's roots/heritage. What will happen when that sound is muffled?

Harley has been one of the best examples of successful marketing for a good long while now. They want their bikes to be the Bentley/Rolls of the motorcycle industry. 
They want everyone to Dream of riding a Harley and get rich off the paraphernalia they sell to those who are either proud of their ownership or dreaming of ownership.
Their marketing has created huge brand loyalty and it's own brand of snobbery, but where will the brand be in 10 - 15 years time? How quiet will they be? How will it affect their marketing?

I'd love your feed back on this topic today:

Harley-Davidson & Noise Pollution - where is Harley-Davidson going to fit in the world/motorcycle community in 10 - 15 years time with the trends towards quieter motorcycles/vehicles that are a coming....

If you are lucky enough to be riding today, please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thank YOU!

Wow, I am deeply appreciative again today for another donation to our cause. Joe out on Vancouver Island - thank you!

If you feel like helping us out during this economic crunch, both Ali and I would deeply appreciate it...

We give you an 80 page book of the jokes and thoughts to ponder from the 2005 and 2006 Busted Knuckle Chronicles Newspaper as our way of saying thanks!
Every donation is a vote of confidence for us to keep going be it $1 or more - we are so deeply grateful that you support and believe in what we do here!

You know gang, Ali and I have been doing our best to create a place, a clearinghouse of information where you can find what you need. We have listened to you all and implemented the tools and resources you have told us you want. And we are far from done.

The newest "Tool" to come down the pipes is our new events calendars.

As you may know, the old calendar system we had and loved is no longer supported by the company that created it as they are bankrupt. We tried four or five others and they stunk!
They we unfriendly to use and so limited in their abilities compared to what we were used to.

The new calendar system we just purchased cost $130 Euros - Not sure until I look at my Pay Pal account how much Canadian that is but it's enough and there is a yearly fee to keep getting updates and security patches, but folks, I think you will agree that it was a wise use of the donated money we have gotten so far!

This new calendar is even MORE powerful that the old ones.
You don't have to be a member on our site to use the calendar. It has a very secure captcha system - one of the reasons we always required membership in the past and had everything locked down so tight in the past was spammers - so as long as we do not have any get through the security this system offers - we are going to be able to lighten up on some of the requirements!

With this calendar:
  • You can email events to your friends.

YOU can even generate your own news feeds and newsletter based on the events YOU are interested in.

You HAVE to come to the web site and check it out! I am stoked at the effectiveness and the EASE!

We have begun the process of adding events to the calendars but would sure appreciate you event coordinators getting on board to help out, We want these calendars as good to go as possible for the January Bike Shows and also so that people can start booking time off from work for their holidays.

There are 1,400 plus Motorcycle events in this country and only Ali and I to do data entry - ANY help we can get - ANY Help at all is deeply appreciated!

In the news today is an article on the BMW S 1000 RR-it is a review by Kevin Ash.
Now many of you know that Mr. Ash ( can get a wee bit down on the manufacturers but read what he has to say this time - BMW surprised even him!

I, some-days, am glad in am hitting the wall of 50 and learning a few things in life and yet, there are times when I wished that I was 20 or even thirty years younger...
After reading about and seeing this next bike - I wished I was in my fearless twenties again cause this is a sportbike I would love to climb on....

Maybe it's the photo, maybe it's the writing - or a combination of both, but something tells me I should be really grateful to be hitting 50 and have a few years between me and fearlessness...320 km/h and accelerates from rest to 300 km/h in just 13.9 seconds.

The police need some assistance traking down drivers who fled the scene at two different accidents: one in BC and one in ON - if you have any knowledge - please help!
If you are fortunate enough to live where you can ride - PLEASE, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
National VP A.I.M.Can