Thursday, June 17, 2010

Don't shoot the messenger....I only tell you what's going on...

In the past I have had people tell me I was a fear monger because I brought to light information the I found in the news feeds over loud pipes and the trend towards motorcycle bashing in this country and the USA. I was called pig headed, rude and obnoxious - now I very well may be those things but had people been willing to listen, had they taken heed of the trend two years ago, we wouldn't be in the boat we are in.

I am no mind reader, no great visionary - but the trend has been there in the US for a while and when I pointed that out - man did I get called down - that's the US, nothing to do with Canada...yup - that's what happened. So now, this is where we are - be as pissed at me as you want but understand one thing folks - I am only the bearer of the news - not the creator. ( And I mean that in more than one way as I ride a stock machine!)

Some riders in Manitoba were fined for loud pipes - interestingly they were ticketed under the Highway Traffic Act...and the Winnipeg Police Services is already using the hand held decibel meters.

In Calgary the council is swaying things towards clarifying their noise bylaw...Ald. John Mar, who is spearheading the amendment, says the existing bylaw is vague by not putting a number to "objectionable noise."

In Ottawa - noise from motorcycles is high on the agenda again after two years.

Wetaskiwin is wading in on the issue.

Can anyone say - UNITE?

Tomorrow Ken Venus of Biker Radio Magazine is going to be weighing in on this might be worth having a listen to see what he's found out.

In other news:
Port Dover is getting Geared up for their only Friday the 13th date this year.

Ride for Dad in Whitby gets underway on Saturday.

The OPP ticketed a rider for doing 130 - he lost his motorcycle for stunting.

Another rider has lost his life in Ontario. The 18 year old driver of the other vehicle involved may be facing charges.

Our very own  Amanda Lynn Mayhew the Fytness Fanatik is in the news with her ride for Progeria.

That's it for me today folks - I got riding, photography and filming to do!

Have a safe and fabulous day and PLEASE - ride proud - not loud.

Belt Drive Betty
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