Thursday, October 28, 2010

The BDB Club and the Injured Riders Fund ...Riders assiting riders!

The BDB Club is all about we riders.

The Rider Friendly Business Association now has 275 locations where your 
BDB Club card means special services, discounts and or special offers!  

People who belong to the Harley-Owners Group, the GWRRA - know how valuable tools like a membership card that is tied to lots of perks and benefits, a directory of businesses that are partnered up to serve you and communication tools like a newspaper/newsletter, powerful event calendars and other rider related communication tools can be.

When I started the Belt Drive Betty web site in 2004 - I had a vision, a dream of a clearinghouse - a place riders could come to find what they needed - everything from event information to help on any number of topics.
I saw a CAA style service geared towards us.

Well folks - every day I get another inch closer to seeing that dream become a reality.
Belt Drive Betty's Little Black Book - The 2011 Rider Friendly Business Association Community Directory is NATIONAL this year.  

We now have business partners eager to serve YOU in every province and territory save Nunavut!

We will have our hard plastic membership cards and activation information for those cards in all of our phone books this year!  There will also be a place for you to record your membership number in the printed book so that if you forget your card - no big deal!

NEW THIS YEAR - We are offering THREE incredible services for you - our members!
BDB Club Support Number 1-866-765-6718 - this is the number our members will use when accessing our support services!

Service # 1:
We have the Intercon Messaging "Never Ride Alone Program"
Are you riding in a heavily gamed region - going on a long trip alone?
Would you feel better knowing that someone is "watching" out for you?

When you call in to the BDB Club Support Number - you tell the helpful operator that you are wanting to use the Never Ride Alone Program - you tell them where you are going, which route you are taking and what time you expect to be at your destination for the day. They will ask you to check in with them periodically throughout the day to create reference points. If you do not call them at the appointed time from your final destination of the day - and they in turn can't get a hold of you at the numbers you provide for them - they will send someone looking for you from the last reference point. Then if something happens - God forbid- and you were to get hit by a deer or have an accident - the probability that help would come, that you could be OK - just went up!

THIS IS A NATIONAL SERVICE - Good for anywhere you are traveling in Canada

Intercon Messaging is a certified 911 dispatch center with messaging services and more.
Our account executive rides and is totally supportive of the riding community!
(Please click on the link above to visit their site.)

Service # 2: Canadian Riders Support Network - THIS IS A NATIONAL SERVICE
Over 400 riders from coast to coast to coast have stood up to say - IF you break down, get jammed up and need a hand while on the road - I am here.
You have three ways of accessing their information.

Your PRINTED Community Directory - Belt Drive Betty's Little Black Book -  for your saddle bags...the web site: or the BDB Club's Support Network Number 1-866-765-6718 

Your phone book is printed twice a year and we do our best to keep the information accurate. The most current and up to date information will always be available through the Canadian Riders Web Site - you can access that with your web enabled cell phone or your Blackberry.  And of course you can always call into the Toll Free BDB Club's Support Network Number and the staff there can see if we have any riders in the area you are in and attempt to contact them on your behalf.
(Some riders only provide emails for texting etc)
Please note:
All Canadian Rider Members will follow their gut and help you based on their availability, and how they feel when they interact with you. This is a TOTALLY Voluntary Program and Belt Drive Betty Media TM and their partners are in no way responsible for anything other that providing a venue for those who wish to help to get that message out and for those who need help a place to potentially find some.

Our Third Service:

The CMTA's Injured Rider Fund is sponsored IN PART by the BDB Foundation.
(I will explain tomorrow exactly how we sponsor the CMTA Injured Rider Fund)

The Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association is an Alberta Registered Non Profit Association with a mandate to create tourism opportunities and marketing partnerships along with promoting responsible motorcycling and supporting the riding community.

This non profit accepts corporate, small business and individual donations, is non political and non partisan.

The Injured Rider's Fund is administered by a special committee of three riders who assess the applications for assistance.

They will:
Deliver low interest loans and out right financial gifting as fund availability allows
(each application will be treated individually.)

Assist with finding the other day to day practical supports a rider and their family may need like bike storage, transportation assistance etc...

Now - the CMTA does not want to duplicate services so to that end if a rider from BC needs support, then they will be directed to AIM, if a rider from Southern AB needs help, they will be directed to the SA Chapter of FIRRE and if a rider is from Nova Scotia, they will be directed to the Bikers Down Society.

The CMTA's Injured Rider Fund is meant to help in the areas where there are no organized support systems.  Watch for the on line applications and other information to become available in January/February 2011...

So what does it cost to be a member of the BDB Club 
and have access to all of these services? 


Register on to trigger your membership number
You can print off your temporary card right on line...

What is the BDB Foundation? How can you support the Injured Riders Fund as a corporation or small business? As an individual rider?  We shall tell you more tomorrow!

Feel free to get in on the discussion over at in the forums, on my personal FB page or the Belt Drive Betty & The Busted Knuckle Fan Page or right here in this blog!

Your input and feed back IS GREATLY appreciated - I can't grow if I am not exposed to other ideas and ways of thinking!

In the mean time, have a glorious day. Remember to than God for the gifts in your life, to drink your Biker Coffee Company Coffee WITH your friends (Hoarding is an unattractive trait) and if you are riding today - PLEASE - remember what a lucky bugger you are and ride safe. Ride like EVERYONE is out to get you!

Belt Drive Betty
Rider & Editor

The Busted Knuckle Chronicles

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