Thursday, March 03, 2011

Feeling helpless...dealing with imminent death

This is a very personal subject. Death, having to say good bye.

My husband's best friend Dave was airlifted to the U of A in Edmonton from Dawson Creek about 12 days ago. He was unconscious and actually died three times on the way.

While I headed to Red Deer and the bike show and then in to Edmonton to see the old boy in the hospital, Mark headed to Dave's in BC and helped to secure his home and possessions and ensure that bills and mortgage could be paid on time to protect Dave's credit and possessions.  Mark is a worrier and frets over anything that affects his friends or family. He is compassionate and loving and very generous of heart. Don't get me wrong - he also has an iron wall that can come down - it very seldom happens, but when it does it is terrifying.

We got the call last night that every one dreads - the same one I dealt with last June when my brother was diagnosed terminal with lung cancer. Dave's condition had worsened - the doctors after running numerous tests finally figured out what was causing Dave's poor health and decline. He has esophageal cancer. The family is having an open house at the U of A for friends to come say good bye to Dave. On Sunday they will pull him off of life support.

Needless to say my husband was busy making phone calls to friends to let them know what's going on. The iron curtain has fallen and I seem helpless to be able to get through it. I know it will lift again and am working really hard to allow him to grieve in his own way.

He feels regret for not going to Edmonton to see Dave while he was conscious - doesn't know if he wants to go to see him now or to simply remember him as he was - apparently this very slight man is down to 80 pounds. Mark is torn. He and Dave had a holiday to Vancouver Island on the bikes planned for this riding season.

They will still go on holiday together but this time one won't come back. Dave's deepest desire is to have his ashes scattered at his mom's grave. So Mark and Dave's brother Scott are taking the trip together on bikes to do just that.

My  heart aches - Dave is my friend too and I feel rather helpless right now - I know what lies ahead and I am powerless to stop the hurt my husband is feeling - he's inconsolable - all I can do is be patient, give him whatever support he'll allow and let him grieve.

Love is a deep emotion - it brings with it immense highs and terrible lows - today is one of those terrible moments...God Speed Dave, be out of pain, know you are loved - it's OK to let go....We'll be OK.

I remember saying those words to my Dad, my Grandpa, my uncle and my brother...having to say good bye, giving them permission to let a hard thing to do when all you want to do is beg them to stay, don't leave me....and yet - it is what we must do.

I love my family - the blood kind and the wind kind. 
As I said, love is a deep emotion and right now I feel very fierce and protective and yet helpless.

Today I really need you to know that no matter when we disagree - family we will always be and I do love you all in my own way.

Have a loving day today in honour of all those who are no longer with us and those whose departure is imminent.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Here we go again Alberta!

So - in spite of the fact that the first motorcycle noise tickets being thrown out of court (appeals pending apparently) Bragg Creek has decided to craft a noise bylaw - motorcycles being the main reason.

I suggest to anyone riding in the Bragg Creek area that they be careful - careful not to be in too large of a group, careful with that throttle hand - it is after all the rude and inconsiderate that have put this stupidity on the rest of us.

For the respectful rider I say - when you see someone being a self absorbed boob, your duty is to either inform them they are being selfish or to make sure that they are the one getting the ticket.

It is always the one who needs for others to notice them that ruins it for the rest - the old adage - one rotten apple spoils the barrel is very appropriate here.

This riding season - let's shock the heck out of those who want to see us corralled and hog tied...
Let's use respect with that throttle hand - in old folks home zones, hospital zones, residential areas and business districts - a little respect with that throttle hand will go a long way to repairing the relationship between riders and non riders...I'm just saying...

Like always - I welcome your comments and the discussions on the topics of the day! Join the conversation on Facebook, in our forums on or right here in this blog!

In other news:

The Justice for All Rally in Surrey BC- the one regarding Cpl Monte Robinson is being held on March 9th.

In Quebec, the former home of Hells Angel Mom Boucher is now a restaurant.

In Regent North Dakota, plans for the world's largest motorcycle sculpture are under way

In Minnesota, ABATE recently lobbied at the state Capitol to protect the rights and safety of all motorcyclists.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

I really wonder...what is going on.

There has been a whole ton in the news about the various OMC's around the world.
In Australia the Bandidos patched over to the Hells Angels - one of the largest defections in Australia's history and the police services are nervous.

Then in Seattle, the Mongols have been recruiting and that has authorities nervous.

Biker Bill was arrested for recording a police officer during a traffic stop.

The motorcycle only check points coming soon in Georgia - in time for Daytona Bike week have riders upset.

The OMC's have been in the news feeds steady and these motorcycle only check points have been in the feeds a lot too, so what pray tell is going on out there?

Tons of news about the various trials around the globe from Montreal to Nanaimo and right across the US and Australia.

I wonder what is going on out there - it seems that not a day goes by without all of this high profile reporting on the OMC's. When I see what happened to Biker Bill and I hear about theses motorcycle only check points, I truly wonder if all of this "Stuff" is related or what....Your thoughts on this situation would be deeply appreciated.

There's a ton of other news out there today - visit to get your fill!

Thursday is the last day to vote on your favourite machine in the Beat the PMS Blues on Line Show 'n' Shine.   You do not have to be a member of our web site to vote - but we sure would love to earn you as a member!

We are hosting a couple of calendar contests - one called the Men of Motorcycling 2012 - we want a wee bit of beef cake for our Gal Caves...tank tops, wife beaters - wear em - we want to see your pipes! 

The other is the Real Lady's of Riding 2012....wear what you would when you ride!
We will have the submissions start on Thursday at noon AB time - in all there will be 13 contests - one for each month of the calendar - the same thing for the guys calendar - 13 contests - one for each month of the calendar.

Become a fan of Belt Drive Betty & The Busted Knuckle on Facebook for the information!
Look on the events link!

Have a fantastic Tuesday everyone - stay warm...I got a ton of book keeping and data entry work to do today and the witch I work for won't let me off the hook!

Monday, February 28, 2011

A retreat in Maui for lady riders

A gal I know via the Net, Eldonna Lewis Fernandez - the Pink Biker Chic - is hosting a retreat in Maui for the ladies.

12 ladies have the opportunity to book space, reserve a Harley and spend 7 days re charging their emotional and spiritual batteries.

How cool would that be? I wonder what life long friendships would come out of a retreat like that. Pink Biker Chic is a motivational speaker, award winning author and a 23 year veteran of the US Military and the editor of GO PINK Magazine.

Eldonna works very hard empowering women veterans and bikers to take charge of their lives by taking the handle bars of life and riding to where they want to go.

Morgan, the British Car Company is bringing back their three wheeler that originally debuted in 1909 and sold until 1953. The funky looks of the Morgan are retained and the new technology should make it a fun ride.

The cops in Australia are concerned - approximately 60 members of the Bandidos have patched over to the Hells Angels. The police state it is the largest defection in the history of Australia and they feel it was brought on because the Mongols have set up a chapter in the central coast area.
Defections like this, have, in the past caused huge violence.

Concern is heating up over the NHTSA Motorcycle Only Check Points proposed for Georgia - just in time for Daytona Bike Week.

If you are travelling to bike week - make sure your are 100% legit or you could find your holiday marred with heavy fines.

Wade in on the topics of the day - I love the dialogue!

Well gang - the weather here in Grande Prairie is -40 again. I am so ready for riding weather.

There are 4 days left to vote for your favourite machines in the Beat the PMS Blues on line Show 'n' Shine...

Have a GREAT Monday and I will chat with you all again tomorrow.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider