Friday, September 09, 2011

Toy Run Season

You know that the riding season is coming to an end as toy runs are taking place right across this country. It is one of those bitter sweet things that many riders love being a part of.

It's a wonderful feeling being a part of something that gives so much joy even though we seldom get to see the result first hand.  I have had the pleasure of volunteering at our local Salvation Army during the Christmas distribution of hampers and gifts and I can tell you that it is an amazing feeling. When you see the parent/s - the working poor and those unable for a variety of reason to work or find work and the happiness on their faces, well it really drives home why we riders do this every year.

Many of you know that some 23 years ago, my daughter and I were beneficiaries of the generosity of the motorcycle community. I know first hand how grateful my daughter and I were. It is the reason I attend as many Toy Runs as I can. I have always paid that kindness forward.

It is my fondest hope that every toy run be a huge success and that every rider who attends remembers the reason behind the runs and donates as generously as their budgets will allow - every child deserves a present under the tree on Christmas day.

I would love to hear your personal stories about toy runs - why you attend, have you ever been a beneficiary or known someone who has been? What the runs mean to you...

In other news:

On TV: OCC is facing foreclosure and Sons of Anarchy is back

KTM has announced a number of recalls

Michelin has a new tire out that they claim will last 40K kilometres

In Newfoundland they are getting geared up for the Wild Rose Show n Shine and Ride for Wildlife

In Comox BC they are getting geared up for their toy run

In Lloydminster SK/AB they are getting geared up for their first toy run!

For all the toy runs we know about, visit our events calendars!

Don't forget our MC Events App - have you downloaded it to your phone yet?

There is a lot of info in the news feeds today that might affect your life as a rider, to stay informed visit

I have lots on the agenda today - I am putting the finishing touches on the Real Lady Riders Calendar and hoping to start the Men's Calendar today - you can buy a calendar by pre order only!

If you are a lucky dawg and riding today, please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and remember to use respect with that right hand...who knows who you might be waking up or disturbing if you don't.

Have a safe weekend, enjoy the toy runs and last of the season events...

Until Monday...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Thursday, September 08, 2011

What is it going to take to get riders to support each other in Alberta - In Canada?

For years I have been calling for riders to get on board with forming a Coalition here in Alberta.

BC has the BC Coalition of Motorcyclists, Saskatchewan has a coalition (No web site yet), so does Manitoba and Ontario and even Quebec has a group that is organized to protect riders rights. But here in Alberta we can't seem to organize ourselves, to work together for the common good.

Instead there are these small pockets of people - very small pockets, who dig in and do what needs to get done and it appears that everyone else either has no empathy or no desire or no time to get involved.

There is an article out of Wetaskiwin Alberta where in riders protested the Edmonton Motorcycle Only Noise Bylaw by supporting the Wetaskiwin Toy Run. OK, I guess that using a charity to get your point across may have some impact but does the EPS really care why noisy bikes stay out of their city?
Not a chance. You have helped them to achieve their goal. The EPS doesn't care that a charity is being hurt - they are doing their job and that is all they care about.

What I want to know is, where were these riders when Liane Langlois was working like a fiend to get this bylaw repealed? When the plea was put out there to raise funds to help with the fight - where were they? When the plea for volunteers was put out to gather signatures for a petition, where were they?

I know that life is busy, that it is hard to make time for lobbying, supporting each other but folks, if WE don't do it who is going to?

The city of Edmonton might care about the impact of their bylaw if someone actually did a study that proves the economic benefit that Edmonton derives from motorcycle based charity events, motorcycle tourism and the motorcycle industry and the jobs it sustains that will and are going by the way side.

You see if we had a Coalition - that is something that could have been prepared and presented to Edmonton City Council.  Dollars and sense, statistics - that's what bureaucrats are looking for.

Years ago, BCCOM - the BC Coalition of Motorcyclists tried unsuccessfully to start ACOM here - the Alberta Coalition of Motorcyclists. It failed miserably. Why? Not enough riders would commit to getting involved.

I am wondering if finally, the time has come that the Alberta Riding Community is under enough pressure from Law Enforcement and municipalities that they will actually decide to start working together.

Our wonderful highways and the unsafe road repairs in this province and the dangers they hold for everyone who rides, the road snakes, the tire debris, HOV Lane use, the disgusting way many event coordinators are treated with regards to getting their liquor licenses for motorcycle events, the oppressive treatment by police officers of our Veteran's MC's - all of these things could be being fought for, protected if only we had some people paid to do the job - because one thing is for certain, volunteers aren't going to get the job done - not here in Alberta. Too many are burnt out raising money for their local and heartfelt charities, living their lives, raising kids and working.

We need to start a non profit BUSINESS -The Alberta Alliance of Motorcyclists and we need to pay people to work for our rights and freedoms.

We need to find a way for this non profit business to be able to sustain itself.
We would need a full time office admin, a grant writer, a membership manager, a web designer, a media specialist, a lobbyist, a couple of different kinds of lawyers on retainer and a fund raising specialist.

Their jobs would be to lobby for the protection of our Charter rights for free speech, freedom of association and expression and to fight for our rights to expect equal treatment under the law.
They would keep the community informed through the coalition meetings and through the various medias. The alliance would bring the concerns and needs to the office and the office would then create and execute the plan to address those concerns and needs.

In order to be taken seriously at all, we need to unite. We are some 80K strong here in Alberta. If we raised our voices together - we could make an impact on the quality of our lives as riders.

So, how do we go about finding the right people to fill the positions of lobbyist, activist, rider support services, education and liasoning with the province and police? Well first, we need to get everyone we can to the table.  We need to find a way to raise money to get started.

We then put out a call for people in the community who have the background and skill to do the jobs and we find out what it would cost to have them work for us.  Once we hired at least one staff, then we would need a fundraiser - one person whose job it would be to attract sponsors, host events, and find a way for the non profit to sustain itself.  This person would work hand in hand with the grant writer to identify grants to accomplish certain jobs.

You see there are grants like the ones that we just got conditional approval for here in Grande Prairie.
We are going to be launching a test project for High Collision Intersections.

We could have a professional whose job it would be to write grant proposals for all sorts of things that address needs within our community.

We could have many things being done in a coordinated and effective manner if we treated this like a business. We could be impacting our cities and communities in a very effective way.

Think about seriously folks. We have an Alliance that directs people in an office to meet the needs and objectives of our community.   And then we could have a National Alliance to assist with the exact same issues - sharing of information - assisting with needs on the Federal level....

Am I a dreamer or what?

Like every day I welcome your feedback and input. I love it when you talk to me and share with me - it helps me to grow and I feel that it helps many others to grow as well.

There is a ton of news today on top of your National's Thursday so your weekly Busted Knuckle Chronicles should have been delivered with your provincial newsletter. I hope you enjoy the read and consider getting involved.

The Busted Knuckle Chronicles is here to serve every province and every community so if your community or province doesn't have great representation, why not send us in your articles and share what's happening in your community?  An informed community can become a strong and healthy community.

In other news:

A group of riders in Nova Scotia completed an Iron Butt ride

In Ontario, a rider is left paralyzed after a crash and the OPP is looking for a rogue rider

Barrie is considering a noise bylaw aimed at guess who...

Hamilton is excited to be getting it's own major bike show

In BC, 100 mile house is getting ready for it's toy run
In Whistler a guy riding his bike in an unsafe manner crashed injuring himself and his passenger

In Alberta, Airdire has given approval for the CAV to put up crosses to honor the fallen of that community

Yes folks, on top of your provincial newsletter and your National Newspaper, the news feeds from the main stream medias and the riding clubs who submitted stuff too late for the above mentioned publication, are full again today!

So come one, get informed. There is no reason for you to not know what is going on in your neck of the woods just because you don't belong to a riding club or get your local can find it all over at

Riding clubs - the more you share - the better chance you have of growing your events and membership and businesses - when you share whats going on you too have a chance to grow.

So come on folks, spread the word, get involved, talk to each other...let's unite and work together. Our Community is worth Celebrating and PROTECTING - Whining and snivelling isn't going to get us anywhere but a little elbow grease and a whole lot of communication will...

If you are riding today, PLEASE ride like everyone around is blind and can not see you.

If you are injured in a crash and need help, remember the Rider Friendly Business Association has 2 motorcycle lawyers who can help you.  Darryl Brown in BC and Braithwaite Boyle that serves Alberta, BC, the Yukon and NWT (Braithwaite Boyle has many offices to serve you)

Until tomorrow...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Bikers Protesting - it's happening more and more but is the message getting through?

In St John's Newfoundland about 30 riders showed up at city hall to protest about noise by laws.
Their message was clear - WE AREN'T THE ONLY one's who make noise.

They are tired of having a few "Yahoos" making it bad for all riders and ask city council to make NOISE the issue and not motorcycles. Lawn mowers, sub woofers, brakes, semis, and many other things contribute to noise pollution...

In England they are getting ready to protest yet again, taking it to the freeways like they did over parking charges. This time the protest ride will focus on the same asinine laws that the French are protesting.

Mandatory ABS brakes, sensors that detect changes/modifications done to your bike without OEM parts among other items.  Some are asking if the 45 MPH protest rides will just pee off other motorists and perhaps the message will get lost. 
Perhaps - but when your government won't talk to you, won't listen - what else do you do?

In Kelowna BC, a young woman is on a mission to have the Highway Traffic Act changed on a national level.

Her father was killed by a left hand turning driver.
According to Ms Tomlinson:
18.3% of all motorcycle fatalities are caused by another vehicle turning left in front of a motorcycle that was going straight.

Tomlinson's dad was killed because a driver of a vehicle though, he saw the motorcycle coming, thought he had time to turn - had he waited three seconds to make his turn, Tomlinson's dad would still be alive today.

3 seconds - think about that... Tomlinson wants to see the law changed so that a $115 fine is not the only thing a driver receives when someone is injured or killed as a result of their unsafe actions.  

Interestingly enough, there is a Vulnerable Road Users meeting today - I am on that committee and have asked for the High Collision intersection signs designed by myself, but inspired by Daniel Ross in Nova Scotia - to be on the agenda.

I will also be meeting soon with the City Manager here in Grande Prairie to have a discussion about these signs being placed at specific intersections here as a test.

I look forward to bringing this issue of the petition up today as well.

Now not all of the protests that bikers are undertaking are quite as serious as the ones mentioned above.

If you need a great giggle to get your day started, I recommend that you read this exceedingly well done tongue in cheek article that a female pillion rider has written:
An open letter to motorcycle manufacturers from my labia

While the topic of comfort while riding is an important one, this young lady uses extreme humour to get her message across and I think she has done it well! I laughed my ass off reading her writing and then thought why hadn't I or a thousand women before me written the same letter?  Good on you Ashlee and your labia for asking the question and giving the manufacturers the answers too!

Like every day, I invite you to wade in on the topics that affect your life as a rider...
The more we share and discuss what is happening around the world, across the country and in our own back yards, the better off we all will be, an informed community becomes a strong and powerful community.

There is a ton of other news out there, check it our at

Until tomorrow...I beg you to please, ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and PLEASE, use respect with that right hand, the person working night shift that you wake up could be a cop...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Challenging government and STUPID LAWS!

From this morning comes news that French Bikers are well and truly fed up with their government and it's ridiculous new and proposed laws and regulations.

They have launched a massive ad campaign aimed at the government and its over the top regulations, proposed regulations and spending called "Motorcycle Security/Safety: Let's think differently". ..

Some of the measures that the FFMC (French Federation of Motorcyclists) is protesting:
  • The inter-ministerial committee on the 11th of May 2011 decided to increase the size of motorcycle license plates to fight against regular excessive speeding, while they only represent 1% of excessive speeds. 
  • The inter-ministerial committee on the 11th of May 2011 decided to make the wearing of a yellow reflective vest mandatory for all bikers riding a motorcycle over 124cc
  • The price tag of 1000 new Pedagogic Radar Units: $40 million Euro's (These new radars, mostly installed in villages and low speed, single lane areas, will show you your speed, and if you were speeding, how much your fine would have been, and how many points you would have lost if this has been a real radar.)
There are many more asinine laws and regulations that the FFMC is protesting through their ads which are very creative, eye catching and thought provoking.

Here in Canada we need our very own version of the FFMC (French Federation of Motorcyclists), that much is becoming very evident...

After my editorial last week on the Veterans Canada MC in BC being singled out for preferential treatment another Veterans Outlaw MC has come under attack, this time in Alberta.

Watch this video and tell me if you aren't disgusted:

I will again reiterate that the authorities need to get patch savvy.

Just because a Motorcycle CLUB wants a PROSPECTING period to ensure that their members are engaged and active and a good fit for the CLUB - does NOT make them a 1% Club. 
An outlaw club and a 1% club are two very different organizations founded on a single - similar principle - the principle of prospecting. Not buying a patch but EARNING IT.

I spoke with Mackem, VP of the Falcons MC in Medicine Hat after I was sent the link to the above video and the things he told me would curl your hair. The police were actually going to arrest members of the Blue Knights - a police club, members of the UMCI and HOG just because they attended this poker run.
In all 25 officers were on hand to shut down the poker run.

The Falcons are going to need some financial assistance to mount a lawsuit against the police services for violating their Charter Rights of peaceful assembly, the right of association and their rights to freedom of expression. When I have more information on HOW MUCH and HOW- I will let you know how to get involved.

Because the RCMP and other police services use of profiling tactics - EVERY BIKER/RIDER who has ever been at an event where a 1% club is present is considered an associate, this is how the police services justify their words and actions. Watch the video - the asking of permission to wear a three piece patch from the dominant club where in you MUST prove you are not territorial, and what your intentions as a club are is enough "proof" for the police services that there must be more behind the "Association" than what there is.

Think about that people. You may think that the issues of three piece patch clubs doesn't affect you but you would be so VERY WRONG.

Right across this country the police services are giving conditional approvals to motorcycle related events to have their liquor licenses - what do I mean by that? Well - look at Orangeville Royal Canadian Legion's motorcycle show 'n' shine this past summer. They were given their liquor license conditional on them banning "Illegal Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Patches" from their event, consequently members of the CAV and other veterans groups were asked to leave. Why? Volunteers who are not a part of the motorcycle community - an many who are,  don't know what the police services mean - who is who and how to tell and the police will not provide that information. So people with one piece patches and Social Club patches were being asked to leave a motorcycle event. Veterans pitted against veterans...

The police will tell you the Liquor control board is in charge of that decision, the commission will turn the tables on the police and no one gets held accountable for the discrimination.

I know of many events that have been told that they are to ban patches if they want a liquor license. 
The Liquor Board takes their direction on the approval of licenses from the police services it really is a collaborative affair.

The misconceptions about patches and what they mean has been brought about thanks to police services who purposely misuse the terminology of our community, perpetuated by main stream media's use of those terms - who don't do their research and the tons of newbies out there who think it is cool to sport a three piece patch but haven't got a clue about patch protocol. Then there is the whole LEMC issue and how that further muddies the waters.


If your club does not have a prospecting period then you should NOT be sporting the three piece patch - PERIOD.

There are many police services motorcycle clubs that violate this fundamental principal. Why?
I believe it is so they can further muddy the waters to justify their jobs and their budgets. 
I know of tons of LEMC's (Law Enforcement Motorcycle Clubs) that have a prospecting period, wear a three piece patch and then call themselves 99%ers. WRONG - you can't have it both ways boys - you are an outlaw club. If you want to be viewed as a 99% club then you should not have a prospecting period and you should be wearing the one piece MC patch.

I know of many LEMC's who have ZERO prospecting phase and yet sport a three piece patch - WRONG protocol again folks - YOU should be wearing the one piece MC patch.

If people followed the simple protocols of patch etiquette we would not be having 50% of the issues we do.

If the police services were not being allowed to profile us, we would have even less issues BUT by virtue of the fact that the police services photograph everyone and their motorcycle and plate who attends an event where a 1% club is present, we have all been labelled supporters/sympathisers of criminals. 

It is long since time that we in Alberta have a rights organization - a coalition of clubs to deal with political and policing issues along with road maintenance, road use and safety issues. I have been flogging this topic for years now but...

It is time that we stop this erosion of our rights and freedoms and it is also long past the time where we should be protecting our right to enjoy our lifestyle.

On the federal level we have two associations that are supposed to be looking after our rights. 
The CMA and the MCC.

The CMA in Canada is virtually non existent outside of the realm of motor sports and the MCC, well - it is a manufacturers driven Coalition that has given us the J2825 Motorcycle Noise Standard from the SAE that has created so much controversy in our community. Both of these organizations are centred in Ontario and appear to do little outside of their home province to reach out to the touring rider from outside of Ontario.
There maybe 160K + touring riders in Ontario, but what about the other 500K + or so of us?

Folks - it is time to get on the bandwagon to protect our freedoms and rights as provided by our Charter.

If you are not getting involved because your club, group, association has never been targeted for special/preferential treatment - then hold on to your saddles folks because there will come a time - very soon that a dominant 1% club is going to move into your town or a non dominant or dominant Traditional Outlaw MC will start up and once that happens your riding club, your events and your lifestyle WILL Be threatened and by then it will be too late - we need people to get organized NOW - to start a defence fund NOW - we need to be proactive and united.

Your complacency towards something you claim to love will be the end of our community and our lifestyle - think I exaggerate? Look at the Edmonton Motorcycle Only Noise BS - or that in Bathurst, Nanaimo, all over Ontario... 

In Washington state motorcyclists are a recognized visible minority -  WHY? Because people are active and engaged in the riding community in Washington...they aren't here in Canada, not in any meaningful or collective way which is why the authorities are so successful in doing exactly as they please.

Look at Germany, Rwanda, Croatia, Bosnia and any other oppressed country in the world - HISTORY folks has proven that governments can and do lie to their people because they are afraid that the people will rise up in protest so they hide their agendas and lie to us continually.

If you ride a motorcycle and attend show 'n' shines, poker runs, rallies or fund raisers that require a liquor license or police escorts - then guess what folks - like it or not, know it or not YOU have been profiled and YOUR rights have been or will be stepped on, it's simply a matter of time. Don't believe me - talk to the event coordinators...educate yourselves. 

Just because your local police services escort or block traffic or your event has gotten it's liquor license doesn't mean that privately - quietly - that the coordinator hasn't been told NO "Illegal Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Patches"...that statement right there is so erroneous as to make me puke, but over and over again the police services spout that disgustingly wrong statement. The clothing of the "Gangs" are not illegal. 
And NOT ALL 3 piece patch wearing CLUBS are 1%.

  • “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels

Think about it - think hard.

Do you really love to ride a touring/cruising motorcycle - if your answer is yes, then regardless of whether or not you wear a patch or what patch you might wear - your lifestyle is under siege and only your action and involvement can turn the tides.

It happened in Washington state - the tides turned and bikers are considered a visible minority and it CAN happen here - BUT ONLY IF YOU GET INVOLVED.

There is so very much more I could be saying on this topic - I am hoping these condensed versions of what is really going on out there finally get some of you motivated to see real change happen.

There is a whack of news in the mainstream feeds today - to find out what else might affect your day, your lifestyle and your community check it out at

Until tomorrow...

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider