Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Extra Essential Motorcycle Gear

Once you’re all suited up, it can be tempting to hop on your hog and head out on the open road. However, without some extra accessories you may find yourself riding uncomfortably or in a mechanical dilema.  There’s an old adage that goes “you can never be too prepared” and it rings true even with motorcycle riding. Here a few overlooked accessories that can result in an even smoother riding experience.

Wearing a helmet is a standard for motorcycle safety.  However, depending on the type use your helmet could be causing excess wind (which is already noisey enough when riding) to travel through it.  It is not recommended to listen to music while riding as it can distract riders from traffic risks and blocks out all sound completely. Having a good set of earplugs can protect your ears from high-pitched wind noise and allow you to concentrate on the low-frequency sounds you need to be able to hear.  Earplugs also help you make feel less fatigued which is useful if you’re going for a long ride.

Tank/Tail Bags
Tank and tail bags may not seem like a motorcycle essential but their practicality is priceless.  Tank and tail bags aren’t just a convenient way to pack a snack; bags are useful tools for carrying around things like rain gear, first aid supplies, and even tools to aid you in any unforeseen emergency situation.  Bags are also an easy way to customize your stuff to tell it apart from others in your group, or for it to be returned if lost. Custom printed patches for example can be personalized with any info you like and are easily applied anywhere on the bag.  

This may sound like a no-brainer, but not all locks deter all bike theft.  When selecting a lock try looking for brightly colour disc or master locks.  This tells potential thieves that they have a challenge ahead of them as opposed to locks that are dark in colour or ones that aren’t easy to see.  

Hand Guards
A relatively inexpensive accessory that often gets overlooked are hand guards.  Moreso recommended for colder climates, hand guards can block cold winds making it easier to use your handlebards.  Hand guards also offer protection from flying debris and bugs that may make riding uncomfortable. Motorcycle gear often differs from bike to bike, but with a few additional tools on hand you can gear up for a smoother and safer ride!

Dirty Politics, Climate Change, Pollution & Charitable Giving

Alberta is in tough. We have been vilified for our oil sands and have been all but cut off from getting one of our major export products to market.  For the last  10 years nothing has progressed in the oil and gas sector thanks to politics, and for the last 3 years our economy has been battered and left in tatters by governments and yes, even some businesses/industries that seem to think that Alberta Oil is an evil product that overly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, an YET, they continue to take our money, in some cases even demanding it.

In fact the Alberta Oil and Gas sector has been painted as a villain in many cases around the world.

There is so much that I could write on this topic, but unless your head has been in the sand for the last three years, you have already heard everything that can be said so I will simply summarize a little bit of what I know:


#1 - Alberta's taxpayers pay the lions share of taxes that then become transfer/equalization payments and Quebec receives the lions share.

#2 - Quebec's premier says there is no social acceptability for a pipeline for Alberta oil to go through their province.  Yet he's happy to have Albertans tax money subsidize his province and  seems gleeful in preventing his neighbour, New Brunswick from refining our oil.

#3 - Justin Trudeau's government says Energy East is dead and has NO intention of reopening talks.

#4 - Quebec is running a 3 billion dollar surplus and is out of debt, Alberta is running a 7.8 billion dollar deficit and has a debt of 8.8 billion as of March, 2018 and yet Alberta because of its earning power gets no transfer payments.

#5 - Hydro - of which Quebec has an abundance of is not part of the transfer payment program.

#6 - Saudi Oil, which Canada imports $17 Billion a year worth, is not subject to carbon tax. Alberta's oil is subject to carbon tax both up and down stream.

#7 - BC is blocking us from getting our expanded pipeline out to the West Coast.

#8 - Trudeau paid Kinder Morgan off for the rights to the expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline, but it will never get built and he knows it.


#9 - Whistler was trying to get CNRL to pay for the climate change costs they are feeling that is until the oil and gas sector pulled out of the CIBC Investment Conference that took place in Whistler.

A little background on Whistler:

Just over 40 years ago,  there was a decision made to turn a sleepy little town with a ski hill located in what was then a pristine, natural environment into one of the world’s mega resorts.

Perhaps, JUST PERHAPS the “climate-related harm” to Whistler is actually cause by the community itself, the people who visit and live there?

Here are some stats from the Travel Trade Website for Whistler:


Whistler has almost 12,000 permanent residents and 2,432 seasonal residents (estimated).

Whistler receives approximately 3 million overnight and non-overnight visitors each year (approximately 45 per cent in winter and 55 per cent in summer).

Whistler has capacity for about 35,000 overnight visitors. There are some 150 hotels, condos, chalets, pensions and bed & breakfast facilities offering more than 8,000 bedrooms. There are also 230 hostel beds and 118 campsites.

I wonder if Whistler is having problems because of:

1) All of the jet fuel that planes consume in enormous quantities to transport thousands of visitors from around the planet to the lower mainland area of BC? 

2) Diesel fuel, again, consumed in huge quantities to fuel the buses that shuttle those air travellers to and from the airport to your over-developed community? 

3) Gasoline that thousands upon thousands of personal vehicles use on a year-round basis to enable skiers, hikers and mountain bikers etc. to experience the world-class attractions? 

Distances and approximate travel times by car - again from the Travel Trade Site for Whistler:
Whistler to downtown Vancouver: 127 km (79 miles), 2 hours
Whistler to Vancouver International Airport: 140 km (85 miles), 2.5 hours
Whistler to Seattle: 354 km (218 miles), 5 hours

And then there is snow making: "If a slope uses compressed air in its snow guns, it has to provide a lot of energy to run the large air-compressing pumps. It also needs a pump system to provide the water to the snow makers. These pumps are often run by diesel engines, which expel a high level of air pollution."

I wonder if SUCCESS is what is fuelling the climate change issue in Whistler and what will happen to resorts like Whistler if and when the oil and gas gets shut off?

Or perhaps, Patrick Moore, one of the founders of GreenPeace 

turned energy activist is right.

A carbon neutral world is not possible. And it's not necessary.

As he aptly points out in the video below, food production RELIES on Carbon Dioxide.
C02 is the MOST important food for ALL LIFE ON EARTH.

At 150 PPM of C02, plants die.

To grow plants FAST or to double their size, greenhouse growers double and triple the amount of C02 pumped into their greenhouses up to 450 PPM.

Fossil fuels are a product of life (created by dead fossils).

Patrick Moore explains and debates Climate Change in the video below.
The historical data that he presents explains that climate changes most likely causes are the earth's own natural rhythms, the rotation of the earth and the position of, and the activity on the sun in relation to the earth:

Now,  at the oil and gas rally here in Grande Prairie on Sunday December 16th where our MLA Wayne Drysdale and MP Chris Warkentin spoke as did Jason Kenney of the UCP.

The speakers at this rally had it right - we need ALL kinds of energy to be developed, wind, solar, hydro, oil and gas, nuclear, biomass etc.
Close to 3,500 people at the rally and another 1,500 - 2,000 in trucks

Lets look at these different energies that are available to us these days...

In an IdeaCity talk, Mr. Moore speaks about the differences in energy in this way:
Renewable - is good BUT as he points out, we can use renewable resources in a way that is unsustainable, look at the cod fisheries, look at buffalo, whales etc.

Sustainable - lasts a long time, it doesn't run out. Lots of sustainable resource like iron ore (there's enough to last millions of years) yet it's not renewable.  Fossil fuels are finite, and yet they are being consumed in such a way as to provide 85% of the worlds energy. That is not sustainable.

Clean - clean means it doesn't pollute.

Green - the word GREEN has no merit in technology or science, it is simply a marketing word.

There is no one energy type that does not have limitations and in some cases they actually can have detrimental effects on our environment and the creatures of our planet.  

Wind: birds migratory paths are often affected and it can drive people crazy with the sound, not to mention a whole host of other problems: https://www.energy.gov/eere/wind/advantages-and-challenges-wind-energy  (Totally unsustainable and unreliable and yet, there is a place for it in servicing our energy needs)
Solar while helpful, is not fully reliable either. Just have a few days of overcast weather, or lots of snow and not enough batteries for back up and you'll see what I mean.  (Batteries are made from oil products) Here are some other issues with solar: https://www.sepco-solarlighting.com/blog/bid/115086/Solar-Power-Advantages-and-Disadvantages

Geothermal: There is huge potential to heat homes and water with geothermal technology, but it also has it's challenges: https://www.our-energy.com/geothermal_heating_advantages_and_disadvantages.html

Ocean Energy: while it creates no known by products can hurt marine life and is only reliable about 10 hours per day: https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/advantages_disadvantages_waveenergy.php 

BioMASS or BioEnergy:  This fuel has a lot of advantages but its disadvantages can far outweigh any good it might produce.  The vast quantity of land required is but one of the many limitations of this fuel source: https://www.originenergy.com.au/blog/about-energy/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-bioenergy.html

Hydro Energy: while it is safer than many sources of energy, it too has its issues depending on its fuel source. Dams re-route water, and can hurt animal habitats, on top of that are the issues of the limited areas that hydro generating stations can be built and they are exceedingly expensive. Not to mention the pollution generated in the building of them. http://energyinformative.org/hydroelectric-energy-pros-and-cons/  Coal fired plants that use old technology are one of the biggest contributors to pollution, but that is a different discussion than climate change.

Nuclear power generation: A small amount of uranium can generate a ton of electricity.
however, while the cost to run a plant is minimal, the costs to build them are astronomical and there is one tiny problem: the lack of long-term waste disposal facilities. Wastes are stored on the grounds of these power plants and sooner or later, there will be no space left to contain these nuclear wastes. AND - there is the other problem.... Leak Potential...
Accidents can happen despite the safety systems applied to nuclear reactors. If leaks happen, the radioactive byproduct of nuclear energy is toxic and can cause burns, cancer, blood diseases and bone decay. https://futureofworking.com/8-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-nuclear-energy/
For those who seem to think you can just quit producing oil and solve the world's ills, think again. 

All of the above renewable and or sustainable energy sources, all of them, use oil in one form or another be it for drive belts, grease, or various components like batteries, blades, switches, transmission lines etc.

And then there is geography to consider. 
What works in urban centres likely won't work in rural settings, at least not in the foreseeable future.
In urban centres where infrastructure is easier and more affordable to install, where the likelihood of being stranded thanks to a low battery or a frozen one, is minimal; great - drive electric cars and trucks but remember something, all of that infrastructure to deliver the electricity relies on oil. 

Here is some information on the kinds of transmission lines that carry electrical energy - surprise, surprise, they all require oil to create: https://www.anixter.com/en_us/resources/literature/wire-wisdom/cable-jackets-types-101.html

In Northern Canada, places like Grande Prairie, Yellowknife, Whitehorse etc., electric cars are not yet practical or feasible.  In -40 a battery looses a ton of its power, just try using your cell phone in the cold and see how long the battery lasts. And with sparse populations, the cost of the infrastructure isn't an investment that will be made any time soon.

Here is some information for you about electric cars, cold weather and their batteries: https://ez-ev.com/tips/12-tips-for-driving-your-electric-car-in-the-winter-and-cold-weather

I want you to consider what would happen if the oil and gas sector just shut down before the products to replace the following were developed....here is a small list of 80  of  products that are created with the use of oil and its byproducts (out of literally thousands):

I want you to consider something else - the true threat to humanity is POLLUTION not Climate Change, AND you need to understand that we can no more control the rhythms of glaciation and warming that we can that of the tides.

Reducing the heavy metals and sulphur dioxide from our air caused by burning coal using outdated technologies and reducing the plastics that get thrown into our oceans, solving the disposal issues of nuclear waste; doing these things are far more beneficial to our world than attempting to reduce C02 emissions.  REMEMBER  - At 150 PPM of C02, plants die. Our world needs at least 180 PPM C02.

It is a lofty goal to want to remove a product like oil completely from our lives, a product that is so ingrained in our lives. 

The best we can do is to reduce our dependancy and where it makes sense to, use renewable and sustainable energy sources and keep working at improving them, all the while improving our methods of oil production/extraction.  

If every energy sector works at improving their production methods and their usage methods, we will all be better off.

I will say it again - We need ALL energies including oil.


We can use our vehicles less, refuse to use plastic bags and things that are too easily disposed of but don't degrade quickly. Refuse to buy products from manufacturers that waste packaging by putting tiny amounts in big plastic containers.

YOU have it within your power to impact pollution and "climate change" from the comfort of your own home.

Now, onto a much different topic....

Charitable Giving be it of your money or you time...

All of us on the CMTA board and on the various committees work at bettering our communities and giving back into where we live so we thought it would be really nice to know.....

You have a chance to win the Gear Club 2 Unlimited game for the Nintendo Switch!

The winner will be chosen at random.

Instructions on how to win:

Like my "personality page" @BeltDriveBetty2 on Facebook if you haven't already.
Post your favourite charity or non profit's name and cause and one sentence on why you support them on my the thread that has the above meme in it....

I will choose the winner on December 31st, 2018 at 10 AM MST

If you are blessed to live where you can be riding, please ride a few for me!

Belt Drive Betty 
Editor & Rider

Friday, November 30, 2018

Coping Strategies from My Friends....

Coping Strategies from My Friends

I recently posted on my Facebook page about how I have been feeling very overwhelmed this last while.  And with the holidays upon us, I wanted some additional ideas on how to stay a little more centered.

I asked my friends for their coping methods and man did I get some amazing suggestions:

From Patty: Riding my motorcycle. In the winter I colour, listen to good music, and I know this is sick but I clean.

From Georgina: Have you tried putting yourself in a quiet, darkened room with no electronics on except some nature music and just focus on the nature music? Mellow spa type music works too.
Deep relaxed breathing.
Try it for 15 min to start.
Once you let yourself have that time, you can easily work up to 30 min a day. Or more if u need it.
The less sensory interruptions (light, noise, touch) the better.

From Maureen:  I've always cleaned when stressed. When my husband came home and saw a dust rag in my back pocket, he'd throw his hat in the door first, lol

From Gary: Nap, 30 minutes can give you a new outlook!

From Deborah: Driving with the radio on loud

From Louise: Music. I drive to my special spot and sit and listen to music loud. Mine is at the water.

From Michelle: I use mindless games to distract my brain... Candy Crush, Jelly Crush, Soda Crush, Farm Saga, about 8 different ones. Run out of lives switch games.. Since their on my phone I don't need Wi-Fi, can play sitting in an office waiting room, in crowds.. Focusing on that slows my racing thoughts... Or I jog

From Shannon: I use Himalayan Salt Lamps in my home. It changes the ions in the air and makes the atmosphere calm and peaceful. I also use music and meditation tapes.

From Joan: Stop trying to do it all! Don’t take things persona.
And think ... This to shall pass... what seems so important today will not be so important in a day or two! Have a hoot once in a while! Don’t worry about what others think!

From Barry: I don't get overwhelmed anymore since starting to meditate 2 years ago and letting go of my Past. If I did get those feelings now I would meditate.

From Robert: I listen to ambient trance while working. It keeps me calm and does wonders for my depression. You can download it from you tube.

From Floyd:  I use the three rule of stress management.
1) Don't sweat the small stuff
2) Consider it all small stuff
3) If the stuff is big enough to give you stress, then f@#K it, it will soon take care of itself.
If by following these three simple rules you still have stress refer back to Rule #1.

By following these rules you should be able to maintain a stress level of 3 or less on a scale of 10.

From Dave: Break it down into small pieces one thing at a time. Think of it like this... if you had to see all the dishes you were going to wash for the rest your life at one time you would be overwhelmed. If you watch your dishes every day or even better yet right after every meal does not seem to be such a formidable task that. Good luck and I really hope whatever’s going on you can find serenity peace and calmness.
Remember too, you’ve already survived the worst days of your life and you made it.

From Shauna: I knit or crochet or color in my kids coloring books. And I bake and eat and color in my swears colouring book as well.

As you can see there is no one size fits all answer, but there are some strategies I can see me implementing!

Colouring - HMMM, this might be a great time to announce our COLOURING BOOKS!

The Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association is hosting a membership drive!
Individual Membership is $50 per year and there are some fantastic perks.
And this is our initial membership drive!

There are memberships for associations and business too that also come with some wonderful perks.

Find out more at:

Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Website

Monday, November 26, 2018

Our 2018 Christmas Gift Guide, helping you find great products from Rider Owned, Rider Friendly Businesses...

Our 2018 Christmas Gift Guide, helping you find great products from Rider Owned, Rider Friendly Businesses...

The Rider Friendly Business Association is filled with small businesses that truly want to help you find that perfect gift, piece of jewelry, clothing, book, bike, hotel, motel, experience....

Our 2018 Gift Guide has some incredible ideas in it!

The gift ideas numbering system is based on when the idea was sent in to us, not by any special rating or ranking.

The First 8 Gift Ideas come from U Need Parts dot CA.

Oil coolers, primary covers, brake pedals, audio headsets, grips and more await at uneedparts.ca

Gift idea number 9 is a real winner - a trip to ride BMW motorcycles in Tibet!
This 10 day vacation includes 6 days of riding, your motorcycle rental and insurance, all attraction passes, your Chinese Visitors Visa, your Chinese Motorcycle License, and all of your hotel rooms, and breakfasts not to mention transfers to and from the hotel and airport and a tour guide and chase truck!  A special damage deposit agreement was arranged at $1000 US for the F800GS, there are other bikes available.

Easy Rider Tours in Tibet has arranged for a special Airfare price which is $600 Canadian ROUND TRIP, with 2 bags and a meal included. The entire trip will cost you roughly $3000 - $3,200 American per person including your lunches, suppers, fuel and spending money. (depending on your appetite)

Visit https://www.riderfriendly.com/for-riders/riding-tibet to find out more.

We are featuring two books this season from two of my most favourite lady riders and authors.

Tamela Rich's book"Hit the Road" a Woman's Guide to Motorcycle Touring is an amazing resource on solo riding and Liz Jansen's book "Crash Landing"  tells the tale of a life very well lived.

Both books are incredible!

You can get Tamela's Book at tamelarich.com and Liz's book at lizjansen.com.

Gift idea number 12 is also a book, but is geared towards kids.  The Bikers are Animals series by Paul Jamiol help kids understand the different bikes and people who ride them in a fun and imaginative way and his cartooning skills really shine through. In every book there are colouring pages so that parents, grand parents and kids can get in on the action!
Check them out at: bikersareanimals.com

MotoChic Gear has some incredible offerings this year, of course there is the trusty Lauren Bag that is becoming a staple in the urban lady rider's wardrobe which is our gift guide idea #13. MotoChic Gear is also offering up the Bess Bag and the Ladies Antimicrobial Muscle Tee as well in spots 17 & 18. See all their great ideas at: motochicgear.com

Gigi Montrose has her amazing "Fearless" jacket up for grabs in position 14. This is a wonderfully functional jacket that will protect you with it's kevlar and make you feel feminine all at the same time ladies!

Check out the "Fearless Jacket" at gigimontrose.com

My friend and all round talented gal Shaunagh McLeod is offering up her hand wrapped pendants.
These unique pieces are perfect that for the special gal in your life guys - or for yourself ladies...
Email Shaunagh at shaunaghmcl @ gmail.com  (Fix the spaces!)

Freedom Heated Clothing from Esterhazy Saskatchewan has a way to help extend that riding season. With vests, jackets, chap liners and gauntlets, you never have to truly be cold on your motorcycle again and, you can get a set of gloves, a jacket and chap liners for about the price of heated grips!

Check them out at heatedclothing.ca

Another amazing gift idea is number 20 and it comes from Marion Redpath over at Calgary Harley-Davidson and Betty from Betty's BnB with Air BnB.  A Two Day Rental and Two Nights at Betty's! That's right, get the one you love a gift certificate for travel and accommodations from two wonderful owner operators and combine them into that perfect weekend getaway. Ideal for the person who works away and only has a short period for days off!
Contact Marion at Calgary Harley-Davidson for more details.

We also have some great stocking stuffer ideas from a couple of the riding clubs we promote - the Harley-Davidson of Edmonton Community Ladies of Harley Calendar that raises money for Kipnes House AND tickets on a motorcycle raffle from the Canadian Legion of Riders in North Battleford SK!!!!

Check them out too!

The Rider Friendly Business Association and Belt Drive Betty Media - Helping Riders Shop with Rider Owned, Rider Friendly Businesses!

Visit our online gift guide to see all of the gift ideas up close and personal - visit:

If you are blessed enough to live where you can be riding, please ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you and PLEASE, put a few miles on for me!

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider

Friday, November 23, 2018

When life happens to a small business owner: Strategies to Cope

It is extremely challenging to run a business and it's made even more challenging when life strikes three people who contract to you all in the span of a few days.

Three of the people who contract to my business found themselves with life changing issues before them causing one to have to move and take herself right out of the equation.  Juggling and rebalancing workloads still hasn't fully taken place, and I have been struggling under the work load, although as I review and ditch stuff, it is getting more manageable again.

Then add a surgery into the mix and a personal life where in I have had 6 friends die, and 3 children of friends commit suicide. It's been a rough 9 weeks.

Then there are all of the political minefields that cause so much emotional upheaval.
It's tough now a days trying to figure out the truth.

Depending on what media outlet you listen to, depending on your personal values, ideals and politics, there are a lot of issues that are driving a lot of people, myself included, around the bend.

I am struggling emotionally. And the struggle is very real.

While I understand that nothing in life is certain except death, taxes and change, I am not a terribly happy woman with a lot of the changes I see. Our veterans are told that they ask too much when they ask for the supports they need to survive and thrive, and yet, we welcome all sorts of people into our country ILLEGALLY and because there is no well thought out plan to deal with the sheer volumes of people we are opening our borders to, well there is financial burden and hardship placed on the provinces.  Quebec billed the federal government for $146 M to deal with illegal border crossings, Ontario $200 M.

We bail out the media industry with $585 million dollars over 5 years, but we can't give our veterans the care they deserve.  In just these three issues the feds have spent 1 billion dollars.

Here in Alberta our oil patch is land locked but instead of building refineries and selling our own gas, we are flogging the dead horse of pipeline and rail cars. It disgusts me frankly.

The world wide political scene is like watching a bad B movie that you can't get away from.
I have been working at refocusing myself in an attempt to reduce the stress I feel.

Here are a few of the things I am doing:

Meditation: I had gotten away from doing that, I am unclear as to why, but I find it calms my mind.

Doing this again, is helping at least for a while every day.

Exercise: I am doing light work outs up to twice a day.  The minute I feel the electrical charges building up in my body, you know the ones, those prickly little beggars that make you feel uptight, anxious and angry....I get on my whole body massager and crack out the 5 pound weights for ten minutes.  Often I plug in the earphones and listen to ten minutes of positive affirmations.

I am taking vitamins B & D, and amino acids L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine for mood.

Sleep: I have been going to bed at 7:30-8:00 PM every night. Getting up around 4:00-4:30 AM.

Eating: I have been working at eliminating sugar from my diet - that's been tough, but I am down significantly and that seems to help. I am also working at losing weight, from having quit smoking.
I had gained about 60 pounds, and am down by 35 or so. I plateaued for a bit, but finally I seem to be loosing a little again and if nothing else I am toning up nicely.

Socializing: It's not something I have ever had a lot of time to do, but I am having to trim what little I have been doing down to all but none. I go out for lunch with select people who I know don't stress me out by talking about things that are upsetting.

Ditching/Changing social media: There's the big one for me.

I used to love debating politics and political view points, but that was back in the day, about 10 years ago, before everyone forgot how to speak civilly to each other.

I was part of the debate team in high school and we were taught how not to take anything personally. but back then, no one called you a mindless minion or a stupid F'in C%$& for your opinions or ideals. I find that it's hard to take comments like that as anything but personal, but I am working on it.

Still, I don't want to associate with people who are going to treat others that way and so, I have blocked so many people in the last while that it became exhausting and I decided for my own mental health to just opt out for a while.

That break did me good.

The unintended but positive consequences of blocking so many who are hurtful in their dialogue?
I find is that my newsfeeds are filling up with funny videos of animals doing quirky things and that change has been welcome. I am learning to laugh a little again!

I am on LinkedIn a lot more these days and am enjoying a far more divergent group of people and topics.

So tell me, how do you manage the stress of life and being in business?

On Monday I will be writing on the topic of reducing the stress during the Holiday Season - Thanksgiving, through to New years Eve....
AND we have the MOST AMAZING gift guide going and I will unveil it on Monday too!

Until then, if you are blessed to live in a warm climate where you can ride a motorcycle, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you , and put a few extra miles on for please.

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Order of St George and Becoming a Dame Part 2

Robert Pullen and Cooper

September 27th, 2018 was to be a long day of flying with Air Canada. I was dreading it as I have never had much luck with regards to customer service with Air Canada.
This series of milk run flights was a pleasant departure from the past! I thoroughly enjoyed my flights as much as anyone can enjoy flying.  It feels like the planes get smaller but I thinks that's also got
something to do with the extra 35 pounds from quitting smoking that I am still packing.

My flights took me from Grande Prairie to Calgary, Calgary to Winnipeg and Winnipeg to Kingston.

My day started at 4:30 AM and it culminated with me arriving at the Econolodge Hotel in Kingston at about 8:00 PM.  I got all checked in to the room and went in search of my sponsor and other fellow postulants.

Allan Plett from the Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Units is my sponsor into the Order and he is also the sponsor of Robert Pullen and Tony Moore.

Tony Moore
Robert is a veteran who served in the Baddeck Pocket among other theatres, and he has a Citadel Canine service dog named Cooper - Cooper was the star of the weekend! Robert does a lot of work with Citadel Canine raising funds, awareness and helping other veterans.

Tony Moore is a veteran and is the president of the Whalley Legion in Surrey BC.  They are demolishing their Legion and building an Urban Veterans Facility where the Legion will have it's new digs.

When I realized the caliber of volunteerism and dedication to veterans and cadets these men had, I knew I was with the right group of people.

We enjoyed a beverage in the old pub next door to the hotel and after some chatting, we headed off to our respective rooms.

I wasn't in my room three minutes when I got a knock at the door, my friend Ron Bacon and his son Rick from Cold Lake Alberta were here a day early!!!!

So, What is the Order and Why is this an Honour?

The Order of St. George in Canada has a different mission than it's counterparts in the rest of the world.

The Order is an ancient and military order of knighthood, founded in Hungary in 1326 by King Charles I, Duke of Anjou. It is the most ancient of those Chivalric Orders, which were created as “Royal” institutions, independent of the church. The Order has enjoyed a continuous existence for almost 700 years.  Around the world, the Order raises money and assists persecuted Christians, but in Canada our mission is to serve Veterans, their families and Cadets/Youth.

The Order of St George also has it's own medal that it presents to top Staff Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (JCR).

Here is the criterion for being awarded:
- The medal may be awarded only once to any one individual.
- The medal is awarded upon one recognized national standard.
- Each Cadet Training Centre (CTC) / Enhanced Training Session (ETS) must award this medal annually.

To be eligible for consideration, a cadet / JCR must meet the following conditions: a. meets all requirements of the CTC / ETS summer training program;
b. is regarded by peers and superiors as exemplifying the model cadet/JCR;
c. be a member in good standing of one of the three cadet organizations (Sea, Army, Air) or the JCR program;
d. has demonstrated outstanding leadership and compassion for subordinates. Was able, through different leadership techniques to motivate subordinates to do what was required;
e. has completed three years as a cadet / JCR;
f. has participated in community service events that the CTC /ETS promotes during the summer;
g. has demonstrated leadership qualities;
h. has demonstrated instructional abilities.

Friday we got to know each other as a group by walking all over Kingston's downtown core, what a beautiful place.  We had lunch with Knights and Dames from Atlantic Canada and my good friend Gabby Koch even came to visit and then we attended the meet and greet at the Four Points Sheraton.

There are many Knights and Dames in the Order of St George that are Canadian Army Veteran Motorcycle Unit members and it did not take me long to feel comfortable with all of the MP's like David Sweet, the Lords and Ladies like Lord Robbie Sprules and his wife, Lady Lucinda.  The people behind the titles of General and Admiral and all of the other military titles, coupled with the civilians who do huge fundraising and offer immense support to families and children, is utterly incredible.

Barb & Mitch
The 400 or so members of the Order of St. George in Canada come from all backgrounds and faiths but they all have one common trait - the giving of their time, talent and heart to causes they believe in.

After a wonderful evening it was time to turn in. The big day was upon us and started with a Postulants breakfast at 8:30 AM that gave us the run down of the day and made sure we were schooled in protocol.  My friend of 30 + years Barb Dransfield Fuller and her hubby Mitch came in from the Ameliasburgh area. Barb is a hair dresser and she did an amazing job of making me look good!

Pretty soon it was time to go to the St. George's Cathedral.

With 32 postulants becoming Knights and Dames, this was to be a two hour ceremony.
The Cathedral has amazing history behind it and was such a fitting place for this ceremony.

The Grand Master, Gareth Greene and Charles Hill the President of the Order here in Canada were the main officiants, with Gareth wielding the sword and Charles presenting the Orders.  (I can not remember the name of the Knight who was spurring us all.)

Here is a short video of my Investiture:

The gala afterwards was an elegant affair. The meal was amazing and then it happened.....the Grand Master called on me to come to the podium.  I thought, oh oh, what is up now?

He started talking about personal commitment to the order and asked me to show the room my tattoo of the Coat of Arms for the Order.   The Inscription on our Coat of Arms stands for United in Love and Service and truly,  from what I have seen,  that motto is accurate and way I wanted it as a tattoo, it resonates with my heart.

Renita Senz of Golden Gopher Tattoo Studio in Derwent Alberta got a great plug that night!

What an amazing experience.
What an incredible honour.

Some of my Fellow Knights from C.A.V with Romeo and 80+ year old Veteran Knight!

Being a Dame in the Order of St. George is already proving to be rewarding.

To learn more about the Order of St. George in Canada visit: www.orderstgeorge.ca

If you are blessed enough to be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.

Renee Charbonneau DStG
AKA Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

Ron Bacon from Cold Lake
Rick Bacon from Cold Lake

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Order of St. George & Becoming a Dame - Part 1 of 2

The Order of St. George & Becoming a Dame - Part 1 of 2

On September 29th, I along with 31 others became Chevaliers in the Order of St. George.
The Investiture Ceremony took place at Kingston Ontario's St. George's Cathedral.

How I came to be invested into the Order

I was sponsored into the order by Allan Plett who is the Ops Manager for 3 C.A.V. (Canadian Army  Veterans Motorcycle Units). I have been an honorary member since 6 months after C.A.V. started about 16 years ago. As a member of the media I don't officially pay dues with any riding club.

I do however wear their crest proudly as a supporter member.

Both my mom and dad served and I was born on the Armed Forces Base Churchill Manitoba.
My now deceased brother, Jim was born in Downsview Ontario and had been a cadet who got his glider pilots wings.

I myself applied to join the military, I took my medical, wrote my exams and waited for two years.
There was a hiring moratorium on at the time and when I got my call to basic training the day I was getting ready to leave for California, I chose California. I ended up getting to work on jet engines and learning anyway.

I admire our military. The Canadian Military is filled with a lot of very noble people, doing work that most of us don't have the courage or the will to do. Most of these people answer a call to service that starts in their soul.

It has its ugly side, but that happens in every organization.  Look around you and you'll know what I mean. Religious leaders doing heinous things, police officers sometimes not much better, doctors and nurses who violate trust...and they make it very hard for those who answer those callings that are pure of heart and truly pushing forward good things.  It happens in the soccer mom community, the football dad community, it happens in Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, it's the human condition.

As organizations go, the Canadian Military is an organization that I have dedicated a lot of my effort and time to supporting because while imperfect (such as the human condition is), it's an organization that for the most part is filed with noble, honourable people of their word.

I lived first hand the devestating results of military spouses, one with what we now call PTSD from physical and mental abuse and trauma as a kid, and the other who was a pugalist, and also suffered from trauma in his youth.

Unlike the veterans and Silver Cross families and cadets that I work to support today, I am a civilian and therefore as a rape, physical and mental abuse trauma survivor, supports are not as accessible. At least there are supports available to our veterans and their families as a group, and even if not perfect they sure are evolving in a hurry.  As a civilian, you fall through the cracks and when you live in a city like Grande Prairie, where doctors are here in order to qualify for citizenship, and you lose your doctor when they move to Calgary or Edmonton, it can take as many as 15 years to get another one.
Just ask me. I know our city is working on it, but it's tough to get skilled doctors to live in this cold but beautiful place.

Dealing with the challenges, the triggers, on your own can be difficult, but working with veterans, talking to them, becoming friends with them, you learn from them various coping methods and you grow, evolve.  Homeless veterans and people like me, well we have something in common, we are all but unidentifiable for outreach to get help. We are virtually faceless.  But together we help each other.

Sorry for being a little long winded; I guess I could have just said I identify with them, but you wouldn't have any understanding as to why.

When I was sponsored into the Order of St. George, I had to provide my CV, outline the charitable work I have done, have that vetted and then my application had to go to the board for approval.
It was an interesting process that took the better part of a year.

Getting Ready for the Investiture

I needed a gown for the gala after the ceremony and was talking to my friend Kim Newberry, a
Camrose Alberta Cadet mom whose cadet corps I have sponsored for various things, about this dilemma, I had no idea where to even start and wanted some advice.

Kim recommended a place called Tish's Fashion and Finery.
I was told this was a woman's fashion boutique with a selection that would blow your mind and she got me a fitting appointment for the morning of the Run to the Hills Rally in Two Hills since I'd be in the area already!

The sales lady I dealt with was named Donna, and she was the most patient, kind hearted person inthe world.  I haven't worn a dress other than to the odd Christmas party or funerals in the last 25 years since I quit modelling for part of my living. I had NO clue what would look good on me. She let me try on 7 or 8 dresses, all were beautiful but....

She served me coffee, chatted with me about the event and made sure to help me select dresses that would wow and while all of them were spectacular....when friends and family saw me in the dress that I ultimately chose, their comments had me blushing.

And then you could have knocked me over with a feather when I was told the dress was a gift from Tish for the volunteer work I do for the cadets and veterans. 

Apparently this is something Tish does frequently. She picks out someone that she sees needs/deserves to feel beautiful and she helps make that happen.

So ladies, if you find yourself needing something to make you feel fabulous, may I recommend a dress from Tish's Fashion and Finery in Camrose Alberta!

Suffice it to say, that not only did I feel special, I felt beautiful.

After the gown, I needed to go purchase some dress clothes as we postulants would have 3 functions to get through before the gala and the gown!

It was a whirlwind time filled with learning about the Order in Canada which was brought here in 2003 by the Grande Master Gareth Green. The Order of St George has been around since 1326.

When it started here in Canada it was largely ceremonial but now the Order of St George in Canada is a working Knighthood that supports our military, veterans, cadets and many programs that support our youth.

To learn more about the Order of St. George and the Foundation visit: www.orderstgeorge.ca

Next time, photos and videos from the meet n greet, the ceremony, dinner and my thoughts on being a part of this organization.

Until then, if you are blessed to be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you,

Renee "Belt Drive Betty" Charbonneau
Editor & Rider and Dame in the Order of St. George.

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Meet in Marathon for Wish of A Lifetime

In 2005 Wayne Brand, a Marathon Ontario rider, crashed his motorcycle with his step daughter on the back. She suffered some pretty bad injuries and went through some surgeries, but for the most part, she's doing well these days.

Wayne on the other hand struggles with partial paralysis, short term memory loss (although his long term memory is crystal clear) and was moved into long term care in the Marathon Hospital a number of years ago.

I was contacted in mid August by an organization called Wish of A Lifetime Canada. They have an American parent office in Colorado for their US wishes and a Canadian branch in Toronto for Canadian wishes.

They had been Google searching motorcycling to see if they could find a partner that could help make a Senior's wish come true. (Wish of A Lifetime has a group of employees who support making wishes for Seniors com true.) Our seniors are more and more isolated, often times they have little or no family close by, and therefore very little socialization. The mission of Wish of A Lifetime is to enrich the lives of seniors by reconnecting them with others of like mind  and their own passions, helping get them out of the house, out of the hospital and helping them regain that sense of purpose, of life force, helping to enjoy life again.

Shannon, the co-ordinator I was to end up working with explained Wayne Brand's story to me and asked if I thought I could help them.

I said "No, I don't think I can, I know I can."

I asked Shannon to give me 4 hours, and after a number of phone calls, I had John and Jean Rose of the Marathon Legion (both avid riders) willing to help us in the task of hosting a poker run.
Turns out that Wayne is a member of their Legion.  They also found a gent with a side car, and because of an engine failure,  Excalibur Motorcycle Works Ltd. in Thunder Bay sent a complete stranger out on his Ural side car to ensure Wayne would go to his party in style!

I also had the help, guidance and support of Ted, Jessica and the whole crew at Thunder Bay Harley-Davidson.

I went back to Shannon with what had been accomplished in the course of an afternoon and she was thrilled.  Over the next few weeks, Jean and John Rose of the Marathon Legion worked their CANS off, getting the word out to the regional riders, all of the Legions on the route and getting a penny auction and BBQ set up for the day of the event, September 22nd, 2018.

I created posters, reached out to riders and Thunder Bay Harley-Davidson reached out and printed posters.

I flew into Thunder Bay on the 21st of September and friends from the Superior Riders, Dave and Violet Alderdice who live in Kakabeka Falls just outside of T-Bay,  agreed to pick me up, put me up and put up with me for the next three days!

It was so good to reconnect with these two, I gotta tell you I love them big time! They are just the sweetest, kindest people in the world.

Anyway, on Friday I was apparently supposed to join the HOG chapter for lunch, but I misread the email and thought it was for dinner time, so we headed in to pick up the motorcycle I was to be riding and I found out I had let the HOG Chapter down.

I felt like crap.  Ted and his girlfriend decided we'd make up for the missed meal by going out to a local hotel for a meal with myself and Dave and Vi.

The weather in Thunder Bay was turning cold and rain was forecast for the day of the event. Sigh, Mother Nature has played havoc with a whole lot of fundraiser this season. I had gotten Dave to take me to Canadian Tire BEFORE I had picked up the Sport Glide (A FUN little bike) where I proceeded to buy $35 worth of Hot Shots for my feet, hands and core.


We got up bright and early on Saturday, and I headed into the dealership so I could get some interviews done. Dave and Vi would ride in on their Goldwing a little later.

I interviewed Jim, the gent who made sure that the Sport Glide I was going to be riding was good to go...he's quite the character, I gotta tell you!

I also interviewed Katie and Ted for Facebook Live.  In spite of the cold weather, and it was cold 4 degrees, we still had 10 bikes show.  Ted the owner decided that with all his obligations, he'd be better off driving the chase vehicle and he let me ride his Road Glide,  a 2018 with 5,800 K on it...OH I WANT ONE....so bad....what a gorgeous machine.

Anyway, we headed out knowing that e were stopping every hour and we road literally, one hour at a time.  When we got into Nipigon, our first stop, the smell of home made perogies fried onions was the smell that assailed us. I had to buy a dozen to take back to Dave and Vi's to add to dinner on Sunday!

The Nipigon Legion pulled out all the stops! Donuts, coffee and hugs, lots of hugs.

It was cold and over cast, but I think we all felt the same, it was worth it to be cold, we were looking forward to making a man's day...We pulled into Schriber to be met by at least another 15 bikes!  Again, the Legion was warm and inviting with free coffee!

The pack headed out to the Marathon Hospital, there Jean and John had arranged for a side car to meet us there and we planned on bringing Wayne to the Marathon Legion in the side car.

Wow, all I can say is Wow.  The emotions were so high, so raw, so grateful - the smile on Wayne's face, the tears in his wife Barb's eyes.  As a matter of fact I don't think that anyone had a dry eye.

Once at the Legion, there were BBQ'ed burgers and hot dogs, French fries and beverages. All free to the rider.

I interviewed John and Jean and some of the riders who participated and then I got to interview Wayne and Barb.

Wayne's words sum this day up the best....Watch this short video of the day

I wanted to stay overnight as had been originally planned and take in the band and the rest of the festivities, but the forecast for rain and howling winds was even worse for Sunday than they were for Saturday night and so back the Thunder Bay we went, and freeze, OMG I haven't been that cold and wet in a long time.

Thank goodness for the Hot Shots which I shared freely.  We made it back in one piece, soaked through the rain gear, and frozen to the bone, but we did it.

It was such an honour to be a part of Wayne's wish coming true and I just hope and pray that now that the community knows this man misses them, that they remember to stop in and spend some time with him.

I can't thank Thunder Bay Harley-Davidson: Ted, Jessica, Jim, Katie and the gang, the great folks from the Marathon Legion: Jean and John for all their hard work to bring the other Legions on board and to set up the BBQ, the Penny Auction etc...

Because of their efforts and the support of the Northwestern Ontario Motorcycle Community a local man won $600 on the poker run and just over $1000 went to Wish of A Lifetime Canada to help more Canadian Seniors get a wish...

WHAT AN HONOUR - thank  you Wish of A Lifetime Canada for Reaching out to me!

Belt Drive Betty,
Editor & Rider

To see other photos from this event, visit our Canadian Motorcycle Events Pages on Facebook:

Erins Photos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/CanadianMotorcycleEvents/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1414952151982344

Michael Beno's Photos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/CanadianMotorcycleEvents/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1414950801982479

Dave Alderdice's Photos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/CanadianMotorcycleEvents/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1414948961982663

Jerome's Photos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/CanadianMotorcycleEvents/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1414947308649495

My Photos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/CanadianMotorcycleEvents/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1414938245317068

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

It's All About the Kids - Cynthia Alberta

The "It's All about the Kid's" Day that was hosted by Bullying Enns and UBAKA (Urban Bulldogs Against Kid Abuse) was an incredible event to attend.

Joy, absolute joy is what was expressed on pretty much every kid's face.

The hamlet of Cynthia has a population of 50.
Mitch's Campground and RV Park is where the event was held.

They have a small motel and a pub called the Cyn City Saloon and a few other small businesses and that's about all.

What the community lacks in size, it makes up for in heart.

The volunteers and sponsors of the day worked
their hearts and souls out to give the hundreds of kids who came out a great day.  There was a silent auction both outside and in the pub.

There were lawn games, a bouncy castle, face painting, motorcycle rides, fire fighter gear and job demonstrations, a by donation BBQ...and the DUNK TANK!

I have no idea who had more fun, the adults and the kids throwing the balls or the volunteers making sure the dunk tank victims got dunked - appropriately!

It was an incredible and inspiring day that saw Bullying Enns and UBAKA walk away with over $17K in donations with which to further the programs they already offer and in the case of Bullying Enns, allow them to host a BBQ for all
of the kids they have given rides and support to and to supply them all with special back packs for school.

Steve and his non-profit board are also looking to the future and what kinds of other programs they might be able to offer to end/prevent bullying.

Like every non-profit and every event hosted, without the sponsors, these things wouldn't be possible.

Bullying Enns and UBAKA would like to thank:
Mitch's Cynthia Campground & RV Park, Cyn City Saloon, Secure Energy, and Steel Horses Photography, the Drayton Valley Fire Department, M & M Meats, the MLA Mark Smith, Hydro Vacuum Services and so many, many more sponsors and supporters. It took a ton of volunteers, and so many businesses that donated to the silent auctions, the bouncy castle that was donated, the DJ services that were donated.

But when you look at the results, when you see these children feeling confident, comfortable and strong, when you see those faces and the smiles, you know it was more than worth it.
IT WAS AMAZING and so needed.

This event was filmed for TV so start looking on YouTube on the Ride Like a Local Channel in late November for the three segments that make up the episode to begin airing! If you are on EastLink TV Look under Community TV in November....

To support Bullying Enns or UBAKA find them on Facebook.

I enjoyed this event so much, and I see the need for events like this to introduce kids to the community of motorcycling, to help empower them, the show them there adults out there who care...that I have invited Steve Enns and his non-profit Bullying Enns to help us do this same sort of day here in Grande Prairie and hopefully grow a chapter of Bullying Enns Riders. These are riders who take kids to school on their motorcycles or pick them up after - present them with some information, some support, some swag and then stay connected to them. I think that it's something Grande Prairie and pretty much every community where people live could use! Anyway June 1st 2019 is the date for Bullying Enns - It's All About the Kids - Grande Prairie AB Version!
If you are blessed enough to be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.

Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider