1) All of the jet fuel that planes consume in enormous quantities to transport thousands of visitors from around the planet to the lower mainland area of BC?
The speakers at this rally had it right -
we need ALL kinds of energy to be developed, wind, solar, hydro, oil and gas, nuclear, biomass etc.
Close to 3,500 people at the rally and another 1,500 - 2,000 in trucks |
Lets look at these different energies that are available to us these days...
In an IdeaCity talk, Mr. Moore speaks about the differences in energy in this way:
Renewable - is good BUT as he points out, we can use renewable resources in a way that is unsustainable, look at the cod fisheries, look at buffalo, whales etc.
Sustainable - lasts a long time, it doesn't run out. Lots of sustainable resource like iron ore (there's enough to last millions of years) yet it's not renewable. Fossil fuels are finite, and yet they are being consumed in such a way as to provide 85% of the worlds energy. That is not sustainable.
Clean - clean means it doesn't pollute.
Green - the word GREEN has no merit in technology or science, it is simply a marketing word.
There is no one energy type that does not have limitations and in some cases they actually can have detrimental effects on our environment and the creatures of our planet.
Hydro Energy: while it is safer than many sources of energy, it too has its issues depending on its fuel source. Dams re-route water, and can hurt animal habitats, on top of that are the issues of the limited areas that hydro generating stations can be built and they are exceedingly expensive. Not to mention the pollution generated in the building of them.
http://energyinformative.org/hydroelectric-energy-pros-and-cons/ Coal fired plants that use old technology are one of the biggest contributors to pollution, but that is a different discussion than climate change.
Nuclear power generation: A small amount of uranium can generate a ton of electricity.
however, while the cost to run a plant is minimal, the costs to build them are astronomical and there is one tiny problem: the lack of long-term waste disposal facilities. Wastes are stored on the grounds of these power plants and sooner or later, there will be no space left to contain these nuclear wastes. AND - there is the other problem.... Leak Potential...
For those who seem to think you can just quit producing oil and solve the world's ills, think again.
All of the above renewable and or sustainable energy sources, all of them, use oil in one form or another be it for drive belts, grease, or various components like batteries, blades, switches, transmission lines etc.
And then there is geography to consider.
What works in urban centres likely won't work in rural settings, at least not in the foreseeable future.
In urban centres where infrastructure is easier and more affordable to install, where the likelihood of being stranded thanks to a low battery or a frozen one, is minimal; great - drive electric cars and trucks but remember something, all of that infrastructure to deliver the electricity relies on oil.
In Northern Canada, places like Grande Prairie, Yellowknife, Whitehorse etc., electric cars are not yet practical or feasible. In -40 a battery looses a ton of its power, just try using your cell phone in the cold and see how long the battery lasts. And with sparse populations, the cost of the infrastructure isn't an investment that will be made any time soon.
I want you to consider what would happen if the oil and gas sector just shut down before the products to replace the following were developed....here is a small list of 80 of products that are created with the use of oil and its byproducts (out of literally thousands):
I want you to consider something else - the true threat to humanity is POLLUTION not Climate Change, AND you need to understand that we can no more control the rhythms of glaciation and warming that we can that of the tides.
Reducing the heavy metals and sulphur dioxide from our air caused by burning coal using outdated technologies and reducing the plastics that get thrown into our oceans, solving the disposal issues of nuclear waste; doing these things are far more beneficial to our world than attempting to reduce C02 emissions. REMEMBER - At 150 PPM of C02, plants die. Our world needs at least 180 PPM C02.
It is a lofty goal to want to remove a product like oil completely from our lives, a product that is so ingrained in our lives.
The best we can do is to reduce our dependancy and where it makes sense to, use renewable and sustainable energy sources and keep working at improving them, all the while improving our methods of oil production/extraction.
If every energy sector works at improving their production methods and their usage methods, we will all be better off.
I will say it again - We need ALL energies including oil.
We can use our vehicles less, refuse to use plastic bags and things that are too easily disposed of but don't degrade quickly. Refuse to buy products from manufacturers that waste packaging by putting tiny amounts in big plastic containers.
YOU have it within your power to impact pollution and "climate change" from the comfort of your own home.
Now, onto a much different topic....
Charitable Giving be it of your money or you time...
All of us on the CMTA board and on the various committees work at bettering our communities and giving back into where we live so we thought it would be really nice to know.....
You have a chance to win the Gear Club 2 Unlimited game for the Nintendo Switch!
The winner will be chosen at random.
Instructions on how to win:
Like my "personality page" @BeltDriveBetty2 on Facebook if you haven't already.
Post your favourite charity or non profit's name and cause and one sentence on why you support them on my the thread that has the above meme in it....
I will choose the winner on December 31st, 2018 at 10 AM MST
If you are blessed to live where you can be riding, please ride a few for me!
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider