This screen shot comes from her first application that included the articles of incorporation.
The articles of incorporation have not been amended even though the non profit business has seen two revisions. (Both on the 6th of January of 2015)
You can search the records yourself at:
One of the latest and biggest bones of contention that some of Joan's detractors have involves her first summit in 2014.
Donations to her charities were first announced as $8,000, then as $5,000 and then as $4,500.
People are asking which amount is the real amount and why such a discrepancy but no answers have been forthcoming.
There are rumours and innuendo, but no actual facts as to why there is such a great disparity in amounts. I am pursuing those, but that will take time.
I spoke with Craig from Realities for Children and the Ride for Kids, and he expressed, after having looked into the donations, that they never received any donation not for $500 or for $135, at least not one that he was able to find - not in the name of Joan Krenning or in the name of the Steel Horse Sisterhood Charities or the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit.
I did speak with a representative of Grace After Fire and was told that they received a donation, but the amount wasn't disclosed as the lady I spoke with, Lisa Skier, was in her car on the way to the airport and her vacation. I have not contacted Helping with Horsepower as I figure if Laura Klock is going to continue on at the Summit as a guest speaker and a vendor, then she must have gotten the said donation. I have not, as of the time of writing, gotten a call back from the Road Guardians and so I have no idea if they have gotten a donation.
I have been unable to find which Optimist Club she donated to.
The latest thing to have transpired that has also raised the eyebrows of many people in the motorcycle industry was the closing down of her partnership in DesignWraps Brands LLC out of Arizona and DesignWraps Brands Inc.
There was a company letter sent out informing their customers, mostly Harley-Davidson dealerships, that DesignWraps Brands LLC & Inc were no longer in business.
Then there was another letter sent out later from Joan under a new company name, Design Wrap Brands Inc. stating that she is still in business.
No one from the original DesignWraps Brands co's would talk to me very much about the situation because of pending litigation but I did learn this much:
That Design Wraps Brands LLC & Inc haven't even been officially closed as of yet, although the paperwork is pending. (I have already found information on a new company called Design Wrap Brands Inc out of Oklahoma.)
It was confirmed for me by her former partners in Design Wraps Brands LLC & Inc that they did not sell their company, its proprietary marketing or intellectual materials or any other information and that no material possessions of the company were sold to this new Design Wrap Brands Inc in Oklahoma.
None of the former partners are involved in the newly formed company except Joan and she apparently has a new partner, a gal named Sara Boyer Little.
Artwork from the New Design Wrap Co.
Catalogue 2014 |
Maybe it's just my tired old eyes that aren't working quite right, but it appears that the marketing materials from Design Wrap Brands Inc are using the exact same images as the marketing materials created for/by DesignWraps Brand LLC in Arizona.
The name is almost identical except that the S in Wraps has been dropped and there is a separation in the words Design and Wrap!
Here is the link to the new company, Design Wrap Brands online catalogue:
Note the web site address as well:
The web site address is the same now as it was when the company was DesignWraps Brands LLC/Inc.
She appears to using the Riders Wraps term which came from DesignWraps Brands LLC/Inc marketing and the phone number being used for the new company is the same as for the old company. The use of these intellectual and proprietary marketing materials, including the web site domain, without benefit of payment to her former partners would, I assume, be part of the pending litigation that her former partners say is coming.
Artwork from the Old Design Wraps Co. in 2013 |
When those documents go public, I will be looking hard to see if that is in fact the case.
There is so much more that I could write about, little details that I have learned about people taking second mortgages on their houses, investing money in her businesses only to loose everything they invested. Stories from sales people who never got their commissions.
There is documented evidence to back up their claims but again, there are no soft facts beyond those of the alleged victims to go by.
There will most likely be a follow-up to this article as I continue attempting to get that the truth of who the founder of the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit really is.
You see I am awaiting the findings from a private investigator that another writer has hired, and for the research department in Loveland Colorado's library to get some information to me that I am seeking.
I am also waiting for the story from yet another investor done wrong that surfaced yesterday.
And lastly I am waiting to hear about the newest law suits that are said to be forthcoming.
So - Who is Joan Krenning?
Is she truly a woman who is learning and growing from her mistakes?
The paper trail would suggest not.
Is she truly a spiritual and god loving American Patriot who creates meaningful American jobs?
The paper trail would suggest not.
From everything I have learned by reading documentation, emails, speaking with former employees, former partners, investors, and the government officials in Wisconsin, it appears that the talk and the walk of Joan Krenning are different from each other.
Perhaps she'll choose to have her side of the story told now.
I am sure that many others would like to know her side of things so that they have a complete "story" from which to base their decisions.
Have a great day and if you are blessed enough to live where you can be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and cannot see you.
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider
Aliases for Joan Krenning:
This list does not include her maiden name or her Canadian married name
An Update:
The cheque for the Ride for Kids was unearthed and sent to us by one of Joan's people.
I am not sure why the executive director could not find the donation but perhaps he was searching for the wrong date range. The Summit happened in May and the cheque was dated for August but not cashed until October. One mystery solved? Well know when I send the copy of the cheque to the charity for confirmation.
I sent the cheque for the charity to confirm and they have confirmed, that they did cash the cheque copy I was given.
Here is the Update I wrote on this controversy:
Another UPDATE:
Apparently we have one of those wild Canadian way VS American way things are done, going on and perhaps it is why I have faced a few challenges getting information!
You see the cheque that was sent to me was dated 06/08/14 and cashed 06/10 14
In the US that means June 6th and June 8th, in Canada that would read August 6th and October 6th!
OK now I m really confused. I got a copy of a cheque made out to the Road Guardians.
The date 11/03/14 according to the person who sent it to me, they did intact get the cheque in November. The cheque was not from the Steel Horse Sisterhood, but in the Memo area says RE: Steel Horse Sisterhood - the cheque is from Oklahoma! So I am confused, very confused...
So yes they got a donation, but how that donation came to be is what is of concern; coming from Oklahoma, signed by a guy named Phil, on behalf of the Steel Horse Sisterhood, 6 months after the event and 3 months after the donations issues arose.
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