
There are a number of ways for you to be involved on to help us create the best clearinghouse of information out there. It is to our mutual benefit as riders that we share with each other our favorite web sites, riding clubs, event information and rider friendly businesses.

When we share with each other what our experiences have been at a dealership, a restaurant, motel, hotel or campground we assist our fellow rider in having the BEST riding season possible.

So how can you get involved?
Add your favorite business to Our Rider Friendly Phone Book
Comment on the news articles you see on the news pages.
Submit your favorite day ride.
Submit your local and riding club news.
Take advantage of the classified ads.
Get involved in the forum and tell us what you need and want from us.

Your involvement beyond just reading the newspaper is important on so many levels.

Sharing information is important to the strength and well being of any community.

The Canadian Motorcycle Community needs your feedback - so come on people, help your fellow rider by making sure they know more about your town, the good places to eat, sleep, get their bike worked on and where they should go to explore the beauties of your area.

I know that our lives are all so very busy but please, take 5 minutes of your time and get involved.

From every Canadian who rides and every tourist who comes to our towns and provinces, thank you for taking a moment to share...

It's cold, windy and snowing today so if you have to be on the roads, stay alert, be safe and above all stay warm.

Belt Drive Betty

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