
Distracted Driving Laws
Distracted Driving Laws

Finally Alberta gets on the band wagon with distracted driving laws. It will prove interesting to see how well they work and how much enforc...

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Too many Police? What a great article from McLean's magazine and some other HOT Topics...
Too many Police? What a great article from McLean's magazine and some other HOT Topics...

Many of you who read this blog also subscribe to our weekly newspaper and or are members of our web site. I asked Ali to link my blog post f...

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Hells Angels cause a stir and a Veterans MC is under scrutiny despite reports to the contrary
Hells Angels cause a stir and a Veterans MC is under scrutiny despite reports to the contrary

The Hells Angels had a booth at a festival in New Westminster and that has brought the 12th Street Music Fest and all festivals under scruti...

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I love my computer, I love my  computer...
I love my computer, I love my computer...

I have spent the last two days battling computer issues. It appears that certain files became corrupted onmy PC causing my movie maker progr...

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Score a win for Quebec Riders
Score a win for Quebec Riders

CTV Montreal has an interesting article today on the fact that the SAAQ - The Quebec Licence Bureau - will be slashing motorcycle registrati...

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