
Learning to distrust - the face of business today - a confusing place to be
Learning to distrust - the face of business today - a confusing place to be

Until recently I have been a really trusting soul - that is until the last 2 years or so - this past three months in particular. I have alwa...

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Gear Safety - so how do you know if what you buy really is safe????
Gear Safety - so how do you know if what you buy really is safe????

In the news today a helmet maker in the US has been ordered by the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) Over 17,000 helmet...

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Why? It is a question I ask myself often. Why did the rider who was killed in the Bragg Creek area decide to pass in a place that was ill...

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BC looses their status as the Beanie Province...
BC looses their status as the Beanie Province...

So folks I am conflicted. Some times my opinions - and really that's all they are - opinions, well, they aren't always popular an...

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RCMP reports coming in and the news is mixed, has spring fever replaced your brain?
RCMP reports coming in and the news is mixed, has spring fever replaced your brain?

Depending on which jurisdiction you live in the RCMP reports on crime and safety might be good or not so good - and some of that is subjecti...

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Lighting a F.I.R.R.E. Across Canada
Lighting a F.I.R.R.E. Across Canada

I am hoping that you will help me light a F.I.R.R.E. across Canada. F.I.R.R.E. stands for the Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights ...

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