
I appreciated the feed back from yesterday's blog post.
One person commented that they thought I already knew my way of thinking was right - I have to tell you straight, I was fairly certain that my point of view would resonate with 25% of the people who read my blog.

There are some of you who read this blog who know my background, there are many here who do not. For those who do, I will apologize now, if I sound like a broken record.

I am a 50 year old woman who is a sexual and physical abuse survivor. 
In both cases the initial abuse suffered happened right at home.

I grew up with a terrible persecution mentality. I was always wrong, always in trouble for something (at least in my parent's eyes), my brothers and sister thought I got preferential treatment and my parent's were always telling me to keep my gob shut - what happened in the house, stayed in the house.  I thought everyone was out to get me, that NO ONE understood me. In my late teens and early 20's, my experiences with men and women alike, were not much better than what I experienced at home.

I started questioning my own conduct and viewpoints about the time I hit 22. A job I had put me around some beautiful people with their heads screwed on pretty straight. I started to go through counseling. Over the years, I have had many councilors, many mentors and many "friends". 

I look at where I started this journey and where I am today and sometimes I can't believe that one person could have all of the experiences I have, but there it is - tons of people, experiences, mistakes and triumphs.

Last year I became aware of the Little Warriors. A foundation for the prevention and education for child abuse. Joey Carrothers/Csapo asked if I would sponsor a run she was coordinating for the Newcastle Pub to raise funds. I said yes and I attended the run. I was amazed by what I learned from the people gathered there. It floored me just how many people, men and women both have similar stories to mine. It truly is amazing what happens when like minded people get together.

I had known about Leslie "Cricket" Lee and her good works for a while. When you read the news feeds every day, like I do - you are always on the hunt for the information on great leaders - and she was one of the greats. Cricket was recently murdered in her own home.
That I know of, the killer hasn't yet been caught. Cricket worked for the prevention for child abuse amongst other worthwhile causes. The cause that grabbed the hearts of many a biker? The Katelynn Stinnett Memorial Run.

When I had a car accident about 12 years ago that had altered my course and path - I was an angry, angry lady. I didn't understand why I was being put on a different path. 
Today I can see one really strong reason.

Whenever you are affected by something be it positive or negative - action is needed, when positive things happen to you you just need to figure out what positive actions got you the success and keep doing more of that. When it is negative that affects you, taking a different kind of action is required. You need to turn the negative into a positive.

So, here I am, 41 years later, finally finding the positive in the negative
Yes, I know, I am a slow learner.

Our Biker Kidz calendar competition is going to serve two fabulous charities and raise funds and awareness for them.
Little Warriors and the Katelynn Stinnett Memorial Run. I hope you will join us because it really shouldn't hurt to be a kid - children are our future, our best hope.

We are running three calendar contests simultaneously, One to empower women to grab the handlebars and supporting the International WWRR Conga for Breast Cancer and the Chrome Cowgirls

You can Only get these calendars through pre order and you can choose which cause you want to support at the time of purchase. See the links on each separate contest page.

Have a great Tuesday everyone... See some of you in Toronto at the National Motorcycle Show I hope....

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  1. It's people react to their own challenges/struggles/hardships in life. Some become angry and bitter. Some become desolate and homeless. Some behind bars...or wrapped in a comfy "white jacket". And some of us....try learn from those experiences...."suck it up" and move day at a time, with hopes that each day will be better than the day before.

    And, thank you for sharing. I am new to your blog...and was not aware of your history.

    May you be blessed each day with strength, happiness and passion!

  2. A slow learner you may be. A good Friend, you certainly are and will always be. Thank you for being who you are and for sharing so much of yourself with us all.
    BTW, you are not a 50 year old dried up,cranky, bitchy are a blooming flower in your prime,after harsh and severe winters. A hardy perrenial that kept on blooming year after year after year soldiering on no matter what Tsunamis came in its way.

