
So folks I am conflicted.

Some times my opinions - and really that's all they are - opinions, well, they aren't always popular and sometimes I think that's a good thing because I believe that healthy debate gives us a way to grow our minds and souls. However, even when my heart is in the right place, sometimes I suffer from hoof in mouth disease or I write something meaning one thing and it gets misconstrued or....the joys of the written word - conveying emotion and meaning can be tough!

I am learning how to talk about the things I see going on around me and not immediately react like 'jane" I am actually learning how to see both sides of a situation and learning how to share that way - it's kind of like debating against yourself. So here's a touchy and troublesome topic for me, being the VP of marketing for the Foundation for Injured Riders, Rights & Education...

This helmet thing in BC - it rubs me the wrong way and yet...

I do not like the infringement on our freedoms and rights. The law is pretty clear that your rights stop where mine get hurt by yours. So, seeings as that's how our country is supposed to work - to be based on mutual respect and consideration - well, I think adults should be able to choose their risk level. 

HOWEVER - If they are injured and brain damaged or in some other way incapacitated by their choice to not wear a Snell or other accepted safety sanctioned helmet, and are injured so as to be a true financial burden to the medical system,  and since this is a universal health system  in Canada then that choice was a violation of MY freedoms as a tax payer.

That issue could be addressed simply by allowing people to purchase private insurance and having a sticker on your plate so the police have no reason to stop you - then you are no longer infringing on my rights by exercising yours.

There is another level to this whole topic that HAS to be brought in to play here. 
The familial - be you brother or sister, mom or dad, uncle or auntie, husband/old man and wife/old lady - you are bound to have someone out there who loves you, who makes your heart happy...your untimely demise or long term impairment hurts them so bad, you have no idea.... it's complicated being human - the feelings, the thinking...the not thinking

As always - your comments and thoughts are always welcome, either here in the blog (, on my Facebook page or in the forums on

I really do appreciate knowing what others think and feel.
We can't grow as humans unless our ideas and ideals are challenged once in a while.

In other news, the registration form for F.I.R.R.E. is now operating and most references to the AIM Can group are pretty much gone. If you see any that we have missed, please let us know. Membership fees are $20 for a single rider and $30 for a couple. We provide a free Never Ride Alone Program, a toll free rider emergency hot line and we are hooked up with Go Travel Canada to provide discounted hotel rooms (15% savings). Over time we will have more benefits to membership as well as the support for each other during a time of need. The education and rights committees will be fleshing out their plans for growing the awareness of riders and lobbying for parking, handicapped stickers etc.

Our new logo is almost done and we are only a short period of time away from having all of our I's dotted and t's crossed. In Grande Prairie we will find out if there is any will or desire to get on board with the new organization or not. Volunteer-ism seems pretty low right now - I see so many people that I know totally suffering from burn out. I can empathize because if I wasn't volunteering my own work would be far easier to manage but - someone has to do this stuff and I am plain old stubborn, I believe in this cause, supporting my fellow rider - with all of my being....We'll know after tonight. I could be the only member here in GP and I guess, that's OK for now. The lawsuit between Vancouver AIM and National AIM Can didn't help things, it kicked the heart out of a lot of people. They need some time to heal...

There are a ton of items in the news today: BC is toughening up it's impaired driving laws.
Yanko Designs has a new sport bike out.

The cops are clamping down on speeders in Montreal too.

In Nova Scotia a rider was injured after a collision with a pick up.

In Ottawa half price parking for motorcycles is back.

In Kingston the CAV Are getting ready for their motorcycle show.
For more news in the motorcycle world check out

If you are lucky enough to be riding today, please remember to ride proud, not loud and remember to ride like everyone is out to get you and that they are blind to boot!

Belt Drive Betty
A MAX Award Winning Web Site
National VP F.I.R.R.E.
Western Canadian MotoRescue Representative

YOU, make it a great day!

Lord, please keep Your arm around my shoulders
and your hand over my mouth! Amen
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookTwitterBlogger

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  1. I just wrote about this on my blog a few weeks ago.

    I find the "financial burden" argument is somewhat hypocritical. Let's face it, smokers are a much greater financial burden to our health care system. So are gluttons. And yet, those activities are not illegal.

    It's a shame that we simply smile as more and more of our personal rights are chipped away.

  2. Smokers are heavily taxed and are being blocked from just about every thing in the world - once the government figures out what tax they can replace the cigarette tax with well smoking will become illegal - smokers are not allowed to infringe on others rights these days.

    Gluttons and obesity - well not sure how to address that issue except that the government will eventually put incentives in place for you to love healthier - eventually.

  3. Hmmm, personal rights being chipped away is an argument that I have difficulty with in that operating any motor vehicle is a privilege granted to those who can show that they have a minimum level of competency determined by the regulating authority. That privilege is further controlled with regulations such as speed limits, rights of way rules, etc. So given that operating our motorcycles on the open road is a privilege how does it follow that not wearing a helmet is our right? It doesn't, the helmet regulations are simply a part of the regulations surrounding the privilege of being granted a motorcycle operating permit.

  4. I agree that driving/riding is a privilege - whoever when you have had the right to wear or use something for so long - as they have in BC, for the government to do away with it and change the rules without affording a choice feels wrong in someways - as I said I am conflicted on this issue.

