Sicamous Summer Stomp Part 1
We got to visit with Darby Mills of the Darby Mills Project. This is their second year preforming. Darby left the Headpins early to start out on her own. They play some original music, some Headpins music and some really good old school rock covers.
Darby says she turns off the news. The world is becoming such a crazy place that she has to shut off for awhile. But don't forget, knowledge and education are so important.
Positive thinking is her way. Give out what you want to get back. During her stint doing network marketing, Darby learned that there are always hurdles and challenges in life. She also lost her mom and husband within 6 months of each other and left her with a lot to reflect on. She says she is very blessed now to be doing what she loves. Do what you want to do in life. It's scary but so worth it in the end. Find your pat and take those hurdles to get to your goal. She feels blessed to have the abilities and health to be doing what she loves. You never know how much time we have left on this earth.
If you are blessed enough to live where you can be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

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