The Watchmen Crew and Noize for Toyz
At the Watchmen Crews Poker Rally in Grande Prairie, Ride Like a Local spoke with the Vice President Darrin Stuffs. The first rally of the season they were out there to meet people and have a great time. This year they were raising money for Christmas Angels. Every year The Watchmen Crew makes a donation to a family in need at Christmas.
Secure Energy was on site that day. They supplied the trailer, all the food and all the drinks to ensure all the money raised would go directly to charity. They are an awesome company that supports many fundraisers in the community.
When asked why The Watchmen Crew fund raises for so many charities involving children, Darrin had this to say "We support kids because they are the most vulnerable people in our society. Helping them can build good adults from a solid childhood. It is important that they are involved in sports and activities so that children have healthy functioning lives. We can make a big difference and change the lives of a child one at a time."
If you are blessed enough to live where you can be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

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