Today I had the pleasure of meeting, over the telephone, a business man who is making dreams come true.
His name is Dimitri Neonakis and he owns a successful small business on the east coast.
An avid pilot, he got the idea to take kids with special needs up in his small plane, inspired by being up in the blue with the clouds, to give them something exciting, different and interesting to try.
Here is a short video from CBC Halifax:
Dream Wings is only 10 days old, but already Dimitri and his now growing list of pilots want to expand what they are doing. His efforts have garnered a ton of volunteers, including his children!
Not only do Dimitri and his pilot friends want to challenge pilots in other communities to do something wonderful and free for children with special needs, he is also challenging the motorcycle community to get involved!
You see I told Dimitri about the Anti Bullying "ride a kid to school" campaigns that have started right across Canada, by my two of my friends, virtually at the same time, Keven Ellis from Hamilton Ontario and Steve Enns in Edmonton AB.
I am proud to say I know these two men, and how their efforts caught the news headlines.
Now, right across the country motorcyclists who find out about kids who are being bullied are taking these kids to school and picking them up after school. Sometimes with 7-8 bikes, other times with 30, 50.
The goal is to let kids know that bullying is not accepted, not tolerated and that the kids being bullied do have friends.
When I told Dimitri the story, he was moved to tears and said you know, we need to get your community involved in this.

"If we could get people who have motorcycles
with sidecars and trikes to come out and take some of these children for a small ride, what excitement they would get.
We could hold a fair and call it Planes, Trikes and Cars for Kids - and get people with exotic cars and the Fire Department with a rig - can you see how much fun a day of giving like this could be?" said Dimitri.
Oh yes Dimitir, I can!
So there, you have it folks - Dimitri Neonakis - Halifax Nova Scotia - you can find him on Facebook:
Please reach out to Dimitri to find out the intricacies of what you need to do, like releases to be signed etc...
Pass this post along to every rider you know, because he wants riders to join him in his efforts to bring a smile to child's face right there in Halifax and all throughout Nova Scotia and Cape Breton.
I intend to see if we can get a day like this coordinated in Grande Prairie AB - what a wonderful way to light up a child's day. Good idea? What say you?
If you are blessed enough to be riding today, PLEASE ride like everyone is blind and can not see you!
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider
His name is Dimitri Neonakis and he owns a successful small business on the east coast.
An avid pilot, he got the idea to take kids with special needs up in his small plane, inspired by being up in the blue with the clouds, to give them something exciting, different and interesting to try.
Here is a short video from CBC Halifax:
Dream Wings is only 10 days old, but already Dimitri and his now growing list of pilots want to expand what they are doing. His efforts have garnered a ton of volunteers, including his children!
Not only do Dimitri and his pilot friends want to challenge pilots in other communities to do something wonderful and free for children with special needs, he is also challenging the motorcycle community to get involved!
You see I told Dimitri about the Anti Bullying "ride a kid to school" campaigns that have started right across Canada, by my two of my friends, virtually at the same time, Keven Ellis from Hamilton Ontario and Steve Enns in Edmonton AB.
I am proud to say I know these two men, and how their efforts caught the news headlines.
Now, right across the country motorcyclists who find out about kids who are being bullied are taking these kids to school and picking them up after school. Sometimes with 7-8 bikes, other times with 30, 50.
The goal is to let kids know that bullying is not accepted, not tolerated and that the kids being bullied do have friends.
When I told Dimitri the story, he was moved to tears and said you know, we need to get your community involved in this.

"If we could get people who have motorcycles
with sidecars and trikes to come out and take some of these children for a small ride, what excitement they would get.
We could hold a fair and call it Planes, Trikes and Cars for Kids - and get people with exotic cars and the Fire Department with a rig - can you see how much fun a day of giving like this could be?" said Dimitri.
Oh yes Dimitir, I can!
So there, you have it folks - Dimitri Neonakis - Halifax Nova Scotia - you can find him on Facebook:
Please reach out to Dimitri to find out the intricacies of what you need to do, like releases to be signed etc...
Let's help Dimitri's efforts called "Dream Wings" REALLY take flight!
Let's get the power of the riding community behind this man and help him expand it to other modes of fun transportation and to expand it right across the country...
Pass this post along to every rider you know, because he wants riders to join him in his efforts to bring a smile to child's face right there in Halifax and all throughout Nova Scotia and Cape Breton.
I intend to see if we can get a day like this coordinated in Grande Prairie AB - what a wonderful way to light up a child's day. Good idea? What say you?
If you are blessed enough to be riding today, PLEASE ride like everyone is blind and can not see you!
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider
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