The judging portion of Canada's MOST Rider Friendly Community Contest is now over and the finalists have been announced!
Holly Sorgen and the crew at Community Futures of Grande Prairie & Region did a fantastic job of weighing and evaluating the 66 nominations that were received!
The 12 communities that will move on to the first of three voting rounds are:
6 of these communities have already won a $1,500 marketing package from Belt Drive Betty Media- which 6 will be determined when the final votes are counted beginning February 26th. All votes cast will go through a rigorous vetting before they are included in the final totals.
The 6 communities that "win" in this round move on to phase 2 of the voting on their way towards being named Canada's MOST Rider Friendly Community! 4 will be guaranteed to win a $2,500 Marketing Package supplied by Belt Drive Betty Media & the sponsors of the contest!
The final two will duke it out for the $10,000 runner up prize and the Grand Prize $35,000 marketing campaign and the right to call themselves....Canada's MOST Rider Friendly Community of 2105!
Visit to find out more!
Help the community you would like to see win....Voting begins Monday February 8th, 2016 at 10 AM MST.
At this time we want to acknowledge all of our wonderful sponsors - without them we would not be able to host a contest like this!
Congratulations to the 12 communities that made it through the judging portion and a heartfelt thank you to all who took the time to nominate their community! It's wonderful to see riders and community leaders showing so much pride in their wonderful communities!
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider
Holly Sorgen and the crew at Community Futures of Grande Prairie & Region did a fantastic job of weighing and evaluating the 66 nominations that were received!

Two Hills, AB
Fruitvale, BC
Kamloops, BC
Kaslo, BC
New Denver, BC
Nisku, AB
Estevan, SK
Moncton, NB
Manitoulin Island, ON
Port Dover, ON
Summerside, PEI
Digby, NS
New Liskeard, ON
Carbonear, NL
N6 of these communities have already won a $1,500 marketing package from Belt Drive Betty Media- which 6 will be determined when the final votes are counted beginning February 26th. All votes cast will go through a rigorous vetting before they are included in the final totals.
The 6 communities that "win" in this round move on to phase 2 of the voting on their way towards being named Canada's MOST Rider Friendly Community! 4 will be guaranteed to win a $2,500 Marketing Package supplied by Belt Drive Betty Media & the sponsors of the contest!
The final two will duke it out for the $10,000 runner up prize and the Grand Prize $35,000 marketing campaign and the right to call themselves....Canada's MOST Rider Friendly Community of 2105!
Visit to find out more!
Help the community you would like to see win....Voting begins Monday February 8th, 2016 at 10 AM MST.
At this time we want to acknowledge all of our wonderful sponsors - without them we would not be able to host a contest like this!
Congratulations to the 12 communities that made it through the judging portion and a heartfelt thank you to all who took the time to nominate their community! It's wonderful to see riders and community leaders showing so much pride in their wonderful communities!
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider
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