Season 6 Episode 2 Seg 1
Vinnie WIlcox
Ubaka Canada
Ride Like a Local interviewed Vinny Wilcox, Chapter president of Ubaka Canada.
Urban Bulldogs Against Kids Abuse
U.B.A.K.A (URBAN BULLDOGS AGAINST KIDS ABUSE) is a non-profit biker organization who advocates against child abuse. Named from the founding chapter in Nice, France, Ubaka is spread all over the world, in 10 countries, 3 chapters being in Alberta Canada.
Ubaka not only give support to children who have been sexually, physically, and psychologically abused, they also lend their support to sick children and their families. They wear and show support by organizing events (Concerts, Swap Meets and various other fundraisers, etc.) where revenues are transferred to the various organizations in common.
Ubaka is also partners with Little Warriors. Little Warriors is a national, charitable organization based in Canada committed to the awareness, prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse.
Anyone needing help can directly contact any member of Ubaka at the following
The above links can also be used to donate or become a member.
Alberta Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics
From the Gasoline Alley Harley Davidson booth, Ride Like a Local sat down with Paul Manuel.
Paul was in the booth raising money and awareness for Alberta Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. This terrific cause has almost 100,000 members of law enforcement all over the world. Last year over 56 million dollars was raised for athletes of all ages and disabilities to participate in the special Olympics.
Alberta Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics raffled off three Harley Davidson bikes as a fundraiser. Special thanks to Gasoline Alley Harley Davidson for donating the bikes at a reduced cost. Also, a portion of all bikes purchased from Jan 1 to May 31 will go to this more than worthy cause!!
To find out more or learn how to donate visit:
If you are blessed enough to live where you can be riding today, please remember to ride like everyone around you is blind and can not see you.
Belt Drive Betty
Editor & Rider

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