They are coming in hard and heavy now...check out our event calendars regularly as we are updating every day right now! I'm trying to get as much done as possible before I hit the road on the 2nd of January. I hope to see 2008 be the best riding year… Read more »
More event information
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I am in the process of adding about 120 competition events to the calendars. I have the Alberta Dirt Riders and the Peace Motocross info loaded. I will be working on the PNWMA events for BC. We are waiting … Read more »
Merry Christmas
I hope everyone finds themselves surrounded by friends and family and that you all have the most Merry of Christmas's and a happy and prosperous new year. Please, stay safe out there. BD Betty … Read more »
Another round of lost advertisers
I am really sad to say that the people who read the paper have not been talking to the advertisers. We have 2 more businesses that say they can't afford to advertise because they get no response from you, the readers. I know you guys read this thing,… Read more »
Heavy Hearts
This has been a really tough week at our house. One of my husband's friends went head to head with a semi and is now in critical and unstable condition in the Kamloops hospital. Another is undergoing cancer treatments on the other side of the country… Read more »
Holy Cow!
I knew that there were a whack of motorcycle events happening every year but even my eyes are popping. Right now I am adding as many as 30 events a day. Everything from groups meetings and ride nights to coffee nights & breakfast rides, runs, rallies… Read more »
I am amazed with my website results
I'ts 15 to 7 on Thursday night and I popped in to set up a new member. I was working in the administration portion of the site and was amazed to see that we had 22 people on line. Myself and Ali were the only 2 members. I've asked her to get a show h… Read more »
Well after all of the destruction and construction I finally get to move into my new office tomorrow. It's amazing what elbow grease, drywall and paint can do for an old attached garage! It's been really weird an frustrating working between 2 offices… Read more »
A Special Day
Today is our wonderful web mistress's birthday. I hope you will join me in wishing Ali a wonderful day! I have been updating the event calendars as more and more groups and businesses are confirming their event dates and meetings. If you know of an e… Read more »
Busy - stupid busy!
Between IBlogger experiencing some technical difficulties for a few days and the fact that I have been painting the old garage here at home to make a bigger office for myself I have been very busy. Ali has been coding her fingers to the bone as you c… Read more »
Our newest web site
We acquired a web site called "Riders in need have a friend indeed" It's a web site about riders who are willing to help out when you are broke down on the road. Ali and I will start revamping that site and trying to get more ri… Read more »
New Forums
Well it looks like a good number of riders are checking out all of the new tools, our forum is only a few weeks old and seems like it's catching on. If anyone has any comments on the site, new tools you'd like to see or functionality or navigation is… Read more »
One more big data entry job done! I do believe I have everyone loaded into the new members format. If you can't log in or have any challenges just give either Ali or myself a holler - we'll get you up and running as soon as we can. There are going to… Read more »
Memberships and other stuff
Hi everyone, Ali has our new membership program loaded. I am going through every one's files and updating information and trying to contact everyone. If you aren't showing up yet, give me another day or so, then if we lost you you might have to re re… Read more »
What's wrong here?
Why do so many motorcycle shops and retailers not want to advertise in a phone book for your saddlebags? Send me your thoughts on the subject at: I'd love to hear what you think. BD Betty PS - I have almost reached my goal of 1,500!… Read more »
Pushing 1200 Entries
I'm just cooking with gas today - almost 1,200 entries in our on line phone book. My goal, by Wednesday to have 1,500.....we are getting there! Have a great day! BD Betty … Read more »
Sad news in Canada.....
There are some very sad things going on in the motorcycle industry here in Canada, and it looks like the motorcycle industry here is going to go through much of what our brothers and sisters south of the border are going through - a slow down. Compan… Read more »
1,100 entries and growing
It's been slow going but we are over 1/4 of the way through the data entry for the new riders phone book! If I can keep up this pace the phone book will be ready to go to the printer in December! I hope you will take the on line version for a test dr… Read more »
Free Membership
Ok gang - Up until now we had no real way to allow people to sign up for free memberships. Spammers and hackers being our biggest fear. However, the content management system we use has now got the tools we needed and so... So now, even if you don't … Read more »
Lots of interesting things happening
Ali has been adding components to the web sites in a fast and furious manner which always means a learning curve for me. The newest component allows us to manage our membership better. Now new members get tools specific to the group they are in so Ri… Read more »
The Rider's Phone Book
If you haven't taken Belt Drive Betty's Little Black Book for a test run - you should check it out! We now have over 850 businesses which means I am pushing the 25% mark for… Read more »
Slowly but surely....
Hope your Turkey Day was a good one. This has been a rough week on some levels. Through a whole series of Murphy's Laws striking I went from 5 people helping me to no one helping me - all in one day. 2 Days later I had 2 people volunteer to help out,… Read more »
SNOW! Yikes
Well, yesterday morning we woke to snow here in GP...yuck! A reminder to all, bike shops and painters/airbrushers really appreciate having their work load spread out. Jamming them up in March only puts strain on everyone. Book your appointments NOW! … Read more »
New Event & Group Calendars for the web site!
We have just installed our new events calendar management system, it is highly searchable by event type and is broken down by province to make your event and group information easy to find. We can now carry your Group Meetings, ride nights, breakfast… Read more »
Man I wonder sometimes...
I hate typing, why did I ever get myself into a business with this much data entry? Oh well, here I am! Over 700 entries are now in the phone book as I work my way across the country. When I get frustrated or fed up with doing that, I have been doing… Read more »
New Calendars & over 600 phone book entries
I have been doing data entry until I think my arms are going to fall off! The good news is the phone book is progressing really well. The Alberta section is almost complete, Marg is working on BC and when I complete Alberta in the next day or so I wi… Read more »
Topping 500 Entries
In the last week the phone book entries have doubled! Check it out and if you have a category to recommend let us know! We have also received our first contest submission for the Preferred and Referred Customer Service Contest!… Read more »
The On Line Riders Phone Book
So, are you watching this thing grow? It's already a great tool and we've only just begun! 275 entries out of 4,000 are entered so far and now with the help of Marge Vatman … Read more »
AIM-Can Peace River Region
Well - we are at 35 members already! It's been a rough week between Jim Sanderson's wake and funeral and the phone book marketing materials - but I am getting unburied! Slowly... Have a great day - hope you have all had a good Saturday and hope Sund… Read more »
AIM-Can Grande Prairie/Peace Region becoming a reality
At last nights Toys for Tots meeting in Grande Prairie, 20 people signed up to become members of AIM-Can AIM-Can is a not for profit that provides assistance to motorcyclists when they have an accident. If you are interested in getting involved with … Read more »
The NEW National Phone Book for riders
Hi guys, I know I have not been on here as much as I'd like to but I have been working at a furious pace to get the online version of our phone book up and running. At the same time as we are working on the on line one we are working on the print ver… Read more »
Busy, busy time!
Another couple of days of major data entry work and we begin sales for our National Phone Book for Riders. The resource will be available in print and on line. Bare with me and the lack of info here on my blog for a wee bit longer. Once I get involve… Read more »
Home from Sturgis
I finally made it home on Tuesday night only to hear that a local rider, Garry Wilson had passed away on his way to Sturgis (He and a deer collided). I attended his funeral on Wednesday and it was a wonderful celebration of his life. Unfortunately, w… Read more »
The World Championships and Sturgis
Getting internet access has been interesting and it is so nice to finally have it... It has been an absolutely amazing time here. 2 of our Canadian builders out of 6 that attended the World's finished in the top 20! Roger Goldammer won the Metric Cha… Read more »
World Championship of bike building here we come
Well, I'm on the road with the boyz....we'll be in Sturgis tonight. When I'm on a better computer - one with a key board that works properly I'll fill you in a bit on this trip - it's been wonderfulT! … Read more »
On the Road again
This should be a trip to remember! I'm packed, bike is facing the driveway and in a couple hours I begin my next trek... Mad Hat - then Sturgis - should prove very interesting considering I haven't been to Sturgis in 23 years...... I'll try and drop … Read more »
Medicine Hat Drags and Sturgis
I am working overtime to be ready to leave Friday morning for Drumheller. Saturday morning my bud, Jayne and I are going to go catch the drags in the Hat, on Sunday I'll finish the paper and Monday I head for meetings in Moose Jaw, Regina, Winnipeg, … Read more »
An Update
Spoke with Don "Ho's" wife Pat, he's doing much better. They are thinking of moving him out of ICU in another day or two, that's great news! I am thankful for groups like AIM - and after this I know Pat and Don will be too. Who knows, we might get ou… Read more »
Back on the NET!!
Finally I am back on the Internet and touch wood it looks like its stable again! I was planning to head out to the Muscle Run but I have the Flu so.... Yah I think I'll stay wrapped in a blankie. Wherever your travels take you this weekend - ride saf… Read more »
My challenges with Telus
I'm glad to finally get on here - I have had limited internet connectivity for about 10 days now. One minute it works and the next....and thier customer service is soooo very good. NOT Anyway Hawg Flatts was a good time - I'm hoping to get to a few m… Read more »
Update on Don "Ho"
I spoke with Don's wife Pat and she informs me that Don now has pneumonia and that is causing some grave concerns. I have also spoken to some of the gents from AIM Vancouver and they tell me that there have been 2 deaths and another couple of serious… Read more »
Rider Down!!!!
Local Grande Prairie Rider and one of Toys for Tots of Grande Prairie’s Founder Don “Ho” McLaughlin went down just outside of Prince George a few nights ago. The Prince George AIM Chapter found out that he was being transported to Vancouver General H… Read more »
Home and still standing!
The 2007 Canadian Championship of Bike Building was a great time! There were major last minute changes to the show due to injuries sustained by some of our performers. There was drama in both the Riding Beauties competition and the Canadian Champions… Read more »
Your help needed!
The Peace Motorcross Association needs flag people, lap counters and other sundre volunteer positions filled at Rock Valley Raceway just outside of Grande Prairie. They feed you and pay $50! If you can help out in any way please contact Lou Maffret a… Read more »
A great day!
I had a really great birthday and want to pass along to Glenn Roberts from Motorcycle Mojo a Happy Birthday! He and I share June 19th as our birthday! Haven't been able to ride much this last 2 weeks with the bike show only 10 days away - hence I am … Read more »
Toad Rock & The Canadian Championships
Mary and I have teamed up to provide a great prize to one lucky person - go to both Toad Rock and the Canadian Championships & win a Cruzin Cooler! Lou of Rocky's Ride for Diabetes will be leaving the Canadian Championships at 2 - 2:30 on Saturday fr… Read more »
A busy time!
Getting the last of the paper work done before the Canadian Championship of Bike Building. Inspite of everything, all the hiccups and challenges we are as ready as we can be. With over 70 vendors, some of Canada's most beautiful motorcycles, a burn o… Read more »
On the road....again
I have been on the road for the past week, I am still on the road! I love it. My husband was quite surprised when he realized I have over 5500kms on the bike already and by the time I get home I will be close to 6,500 - as I expressed to him - I have… Read more »
The Canadian Riding Beauty Contest June 30th & July 1st
We have 4 confirmed entrants in the first Canadian Riding Beauties Contest. They are: Jennifer Nakonechny from Regina Saskatchewan Daphne MacDonald from Spruce Grove Alberta April Ireland from Calgary Alberta Lisa Henriksen from Rocky Mountain House … Read more »
Event Listings
We just updated the events again - man is this riding community a busy one. If you have an event or know of one that isn't listed - get it to us. The listing is free and over 60,000 riders will have a chance to see it that way. Remember the paper is … Read more »
A new Poll
We are polling our readers to find out their thoughts on the new Victory Vision Street Tour models. The poll can be found on the home page, right hand side on We'd love to know what you think..... … Read more »
The results of our first ever Rider Survey
The Results from our first ever “Busted Knuckle Chronicles” Rider Survey: These statistics have been amassed over the last 8 months. They are not scientific, they are however a fairly accurate reflection of our subscribers & community from Coast to C… Read more »
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- Toronto Super Show
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- BigBlue Lifts
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- Canada's MOST Rider Friendly Community of 2015
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- Disappointment
- Disappointment.
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- Dr.Chrystal Su
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- Drug Cartels
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- EagleRider Calgary
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- Empowered
- End of Victory Motorcycles
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- Fiction
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- Great Canadian Day Rides
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- Guest Post
- HOG Rally
- HOG Rally Cancelled
- HOV Lanes
- HSE Integrated
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- Harassment
- Harley-Davidson of Edmonton
- Harleys Owners Group
- Harry Balfour School
- Hatred
- Hawg Flatts M/C Association
- Hay River NWT Toy Run
- Health
- Hells Angels clubhouse
- Helmet Exemption
- Helmet Exemptions
- Helmet Laws
- Helmets
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- Helping
- Hendee Mfg Co
- Heroes highway ride and rally
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- High Level AB
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- Hilldebrande & Wollfmeuller
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- Hope Optical
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- Indigenous Veterans Day
- Information
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- International Women's Day
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- Ireland Bike Fest
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- Islamic State
- Its all about the kids.
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- Jack Canfield
- Jake DeRosier
- Jean Cameron
- Jenson Interceptor
- Joe Bolger
- John Johnson
- John Maxwell Training
- Junction Inn
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- Kaslo BC
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- Kilometres for Kideneys
- Kindness
- Kingston Ontario
- Kipnes Centre for Veterans
- Kipnes House
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- La Familia
- Lack of Appreciation
- Lafarge Northwest
- Lane Filtering
- Lane Splitting
- Larry Pegg
- Law
- Law Suit
- Laws
- Lawyers
- Leaving Home Funktion
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- Legal System
- Legalities
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- Lobbying
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- Long Walk Home
- Long weekend
- Loud Pipes
- Love your car
- Love-Jugs
- Loving
- Loyal Edmonton Regiment
- Lumby BC
- MC Shootout
- MCpl Timothy J Wilson
- MS
- Mac Island
- Made In Canada
- Madison Creek Designs
- Manitoba Motorcycle Club
- Manufacturers
- Marathon Legion
- Maritimes
- Mark D Mullen
- Mark Hunnibel
- Mark Lee
- Marketing Prizes
- Master Mind
- Matchless
- Medric Cousineau
- Meet in Marathon
- Merritt BC
- Michael - Michelle Duff
- Michel Mercier
- Michele Mercier
- Mike Axle
- Mike Leffingwell
- Military
- Military Minds Rolling Barrage
- Military Police National Motorcycle Relay Ride
- Millennials
- Milwaukee Boots
- Minister of Transportation Alberta
- Miscellaneous
- Missouri
- Mitch's Cynthia Campground
- Mobility Scooters
- Modern Motorcycle Mechanics
- Modular Helmets
- Moncton
- Moncton NB
- Mongols MC
- Moonshine Bandits
- Mothers Day
- Motocross
- Motor Sports Brewz
- Motorcycle Associations
- Motorcycle Groups
- Motorcycle Helmet Law
- Motorcycle House
- Motorcycle Parts Installation
- Motorcycle Racing
- Motorcycle Rallies
- Motorcycle Rentals
- Motorcycle Riding
- Motorcycle Safety Foundation
- Motorcycle Shipping
- Motorcycle Show n Shine
- Motorcycle parts
- Motorcyclists
- Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada
- Movie
- Mustang Cars
- NASH Project
- NB
- Nation Motorcycle Show In Toronto
- New to you bike
- News
- Nicholson Brothers
- Night Wolves MC
- Nintendo Switch Game - Gear Club 2
- Nisku Alberta
- Northwest Cycle & Motor Co.
- Norton
- Norway Michigan
- Norway Speedway
- Objectification
- Offence Fund
- Oil and Gas
- Okanagan
- One Big Bicycle
- OpEd
- Opinion
- Orlando Florida
- Our Hope for the Future
- Outlaws MC trial Illinois
- Owner Operated
- Panther
- Parked Motorcycle Syndrome
- Paying Forward
- Peace River Riders Association
- Pennsylvania’s motorcycle helmet law
- Pennzoil
- People
- Petty Trespass Act
- Phillip J Currie Dinosaur Museum
- Polaris Industries
- Police Brutality
- Police Services
- Politics
- Popeyes
- Power Sport
- Prairie
- Preparation
- Pride
- Privilege
- Production Motorcycles
- Prospector Central
- Prospector Central Inc. Travels With Harley
- Protesting
- Putin
- Quaker State
- Quebec Riders Killed
- RCL #54
- Racism
- Radical Awareness Run
- Radicals
- Rain Riding
- Randy "Elvis" Friske
- Rape
- Ray Sasserville
- Reader Surveys
- Red Neck Run
- Refugees
- Region Guide
- Renewable Energy
- Renting Out Your Motorcycle
- Revenue Canada
- Ride AWARE
- Ride Into History
- Rider Friendly Contest Winner
- Rider Friendly Phone Book App
- Rider Owned Business
- Rider Surveys
- Rider Training Institute
- Riders
- Riding Season
- Rights
- Rip Offs
- Road Motorcycle Awareness Conga
- Rock Machine
- Ron Keys
- Roper
- Ross Pederson
- Roy Blakney
- RuRoc
- Rudeness
- Rudge
- Run to the Hills Rally 2016.
- Russia
- SHE Rides
- Sacrifice
- Sad Day
- Sandwiches
- Satan's Choice
- Scam
- Scotland
- Self Defence
- Service
- Service to Others
- Serving Soldiers
- Sexual Objectification
- Sexuality
- Sharia Law
- Sharing
- Sharing the road
- Shiny Shit Fund
- Shooting
- Show n Shine
- Sikh Helmet exemption
- Siks
- Skid Row
- Slaughter
- Small business growth
- Solar Roadways
- Solidarity
- Special Needs Children
- Speed
- Spirituality
- Sports
- Sports Camera Store
- Spring Fling
- St. Victor Boogie
- Steve Drane Harley-Davidson
- Stories from the road
- Storytelling
- Strength
- Stress Management
- Sturgis
- Sturgis North coming to Salmon Arm BC
- Sturgis South Dakota
- Suicide
- SuicidePrevention
- Super Excelsior
- Support
- Surveys
- Survival
- Suzuki Motorcycles
- Syncrude
- TARA Energy
- TV Show
- Tax Credits
- Technical Difficulties
- Ted Sturgess
- Teenage bicyclist
- Terri Collier
- Terrorism
- Thai
- Thank You's
- The Gref Family
- The Irv Special 100
- The LACS
- The Long Walk Home
- The NASH Project
- The Sociables
- Thieves
- Throttle Up
- Thunder Bay Harley-Davidson
- Thunder Bay Ontario
- Thunder Roads Magazine Oklahoma/Arkansas
- Tish's Fashion and Finery
- Traffic Injury Research Foundation
- Travel Canada by Motorcycle
- Trev Deeley
- Triumph Model H
- Truck Troubles
- True North Disability Services
- Tuan
- Twisted Roads
- Two Hills Inn
- United States
- Ural Motorcycles
- Valentino Rossi
- Vancouver Island
- Vancouver Island riding community
- Veterans Memorial Gardens
- Veterans Park
- Veterans UN-NATO
- Victoria Motorcycle Club
- Victory Motorcycles
- Viking Bags
- Viking Cycle Jacket
- Viking Jacket
- Vile Rhetoric
- Violence
- Waco
- Waco Texas
- Wailing Wall
- Walt Healy
- Wayne Brand
- Weight Loss
- West Coast Roar
- WestJet
- Westboro Baptist Church
- Western HOG Rally
- Wheelies
- Wild West Motorcycle & Tattoo Fest
- Wildfire
- Williams Custom Bikes of Canada
- Wind Therapy
- Winnipeg RoughRiders Motorcycle Club
- Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue
- Wish of a Lifetime Canada
- Women
- Women Bashing
- Women of Courage
- World Championship
- World Sikh Organization of Canada
- World War I
- World War II
- Wounds
- YouMotorcycle
- Zachariah Tipton
- Zombies
- a place to pause bush retreat
- acupuncture
- adrenal fatigue
- adrenal glands
- after dark distillery
- airdrie
- airdrie airpark
- airdrie and district victims association
- airdrie food bank
- alberta council of women's shelters
- alberta law
- alberta oilmens association
- aliki karayan
- anti fog
- apostles motorcycle society
- artist bench guitars
- automotive
- baca
- balance tires
- beginners
- bell pit boss
- bike brakes
- bike club
- bike oil
- black gold beamers
- blackfalds
- blue knights motorcycle club
- bobsguitar
- bordertown hog
- boreal bike rally
- bullriders canada
- bullyingcanada
- c
- calgary harley davidson
- canadian legion of riders
- cancer
- cane sugar
- capacity
- car detailing
- car maintenance
- carnage
- celebrities
- change oil
- choice hotels
- christmas angels
- colour my beaver
- commu
- community links
- debra chin
- dot
- dyna
- edmonton edmonton motorcycle show
- engine
- exercise
- fare share food bank
- fatigue
- food
- gasoline alley
- ginger damon
- guardians of the children
- hastings regiment
- heritage harley davidson
- infographic
- karlsen
- lac la biche lions club
- large American Rallies
- lasalle
- laser treatment
- learning
- louise lewis
- lurana
- map-based-app
- meota
- military minds
- motorcycle saddlebags
- national air force museum
- never ride alone
- new riding season
- north battleford
- nternational Master Bike Builders Association of Canada
- odyssey house
- overheat
- peace country noize for toyz
- plamondon
- poker rally
- port hope
- port hope fire
- prince edward regimentm
- product review
- quick release
- quit smoking
- red knights motorcycle club
- register
- ria schnell. custom sissy bars
- ride for a vet
- ride for sight
- ride further
- rig riders
- rockin the rink
- saddlebags
- secure angel
- shields familt
- sir johan
- smith pulling team
- smoking
- special olympics
- st johns ambulance
- sugar
- that's all the counts"
- the meaning of life according to bikers
- torchrun
- traffic
- treatment
- trenton
- tubular optimization
- tune-up
- twin anchor structures
- ultimate ab vacation
- viking cycle
- voss
- warner rentals
- wings of providence
- women in the wind
- women rider
- women rides
- womens shelters
- wounded warriors