Do these two things look like they would be enjoyable ?
Here's your chance to have both...
The movie "Wild Hogs" will be showing this Saturday, 3 March 2007 at 7:00 PM at Galaxy Cinema. The rep from Great Western will be providing the first pint free to patrons that bring their ticket receipt along with them to Brewster's Brewing Co & Restaurant at 480 McCarthy Blvd. N. after the movie.
If your going to go, we suggest you get your tickets in advance (starting Wednesday)
For the free beverages to happen we need to give the rep some numbers, so please send me an email saying how many are going from your party and we'll pass that along to the Great Western Rep.
If your not sure what this movie, have a look at the trailer... http://wildhogs.movies.go.com/
See you there Capt. Ron (Ron Donison) ron.donison@sasktel.net
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