
I want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2009.

I have just finished sending the January 1st paper off to the printers so that it will arrive in time for the Toronto Super Show and am going to start laying out the second, third and fourth editions so that while I am on the road I have the maximum amount of time to meet people. I am looking so very forward to seeing as many of you readers and riders as is possible!

It's going to be a crazy busy week as I get prepared to head out, but I wouldn't have it any other way....

Stay safe and warm and have a Wonderful, Joyful and Merry Christmas.

I love you all!

Belt Drive Betty

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  1. Dear Betty,
    Be careful in Toronto...for they know not what they do...especially when driving on the 401....
    It's a crazy mad house in GTA
    To paraphrase a cyberspace friend of mine: " Be careful "Riding"...Oops...I meant driving..."

